How not to get what you want

A) I still don't see where anyone accused YOU. I see an accusation of an un-named person only listed as "it was someone who posts way more than anyone else here.".You may have outed yourself if you have a guilty conscience.

B) "Just you really have a bug up your ass on back channeling and shilling "
That's right. We have been extremely consistent about that. But since members don't like it they ignore it. TOO FUCKING BAD IT'S NEVER GOING TO CHANGE. And every time it comes up, you trot out other issues which you have complaints about. As always, one has nothing to do with the other. So please stop bring up the issues you have with the moderation around here when we try to enforce any rules. Frankly, I'm quite tired of hearing it. In addition, stop making demands with questions you want answered which have absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand just because you have a personal bone to pick.
A) I still don't see where anyone accused YOU. I see an accusation of an un-named person only listed as "it was someone who posts way more than anyone else here.".You may have outed yourself if you have a guilty conscience.

B) "Just you really have a bug up your ass on back channeling and shilling "
That's right. We have been extremely consistent about that. But since members don't like it they ignore it. TOO FUCKING BAD IT'S NEVER GOING TO CHANGE. And every time it comes up, you trot out other issues which you have complaints about. As always, one has nothing to do with the other. So please stop bring up the issues you have with the moderation around here when we try to enforce any rules. Frankly, I'm quite tired of hearing it. In addition, stop making demands with questions you want answered which have absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand just because you have a personal bone to pick.
No mas! I am not going to attempt to explain it further.

I leave you with this, you can work with me and attempt to make a stab at bringing back the talent and the content here. Or you can just ban me if you like for shits and giggles. I am on the fence with this.

If you are happy with the status quo, then good luck to you on running this thing that was once the best whoreboard of all whoreboards.