How many mongers?

I first bought a Soloflex a few years ago, lost about 20 pounds, and then got a gym membership. Went 3 times a week but didn't lose weight. Lifting weights and using the cardio equipment was so friggn boring though after a while, I had to stop and do something else. Now I kickbox and grapple three times a week. Good exercise, stretching and fantastic fun. Sometimes I get beat up, sometimes I do the beating. The weight really started to come off though when I changed my diet to vegan, i.e. no animal products and more or less raw foods only. Good side effect: LDL cholesterol came down from 110 to about 65. Not bad for someone who had one heart attack already....
I don't have a gym membership. But sometimes, I watch my Rancor monster eat people, or I laugh my hearty laugh looking at Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, still hanging on my wall. The rest of the time, I pull the slave girl's chain and wonder how I ended up in a fucking George Lucas movie.
I don't go to a gym because I'm incredibly frugal with some things, and exercising is one of them (mongering is somewhere between frugal and conspicuous consuming). I just do about an hour of cardio in the morning, every other morning, followed by about 30 minutes of body weight exercises. I'm actually not that unfit, but I probably will never see myself as fit or not-chubby since almost my entire life I was a pretty chubby dude. Ehhhh.
I just realized I wrote something similar above, but I don't remember writing it (drugs), and this most recent one is much more expanded and accurate (it corrects something I wrote up there which is that I don't do an hour of body weight exercises, and it's every other day I exercise). Lemme keep the new one!
Been going to the gym 5 times a week for 6 months now and down 35 lbs.
Before that is was just a little hear and there for several years. 2 time per week, then 1 time the next month.


lil Fuzzybear
For about 8 months I have a regular routine 50 sit ups 30 mins on the elipical and 30 on the tread mill. I am not much for the gym so the equipment is in my basement. I slip on the Ipod and go to town 7 days a week. Hey one heart attack was enough for me plan on being around to see grand kids (I hope)


Reign of Terror
Most mixed-martial arts fighters train with kettle bells. I've been doing it twice a week now along with my regular routines. The instructor has stepped it up since a group of us have the basic moves down. Both today and Monday my shirt was so soaked it must have weighted about five pounds.
I run 3 miles a day, 5 days a week. (25 min)

I don't lift anymore, but I do pushups and situps right after my run. (15 min)

Diet is just as important. Weekdays I have three protein shakes (23g of Protein) and two protein bars (20g of Protein) throughout the day. Then I eat a sensible dinner.

On the weekends I just eat whatever I want.

i do try to exercise a couple times a week for an hour or so. maybe longer if i have the time. where i live you can pay $10/month and use the high school weight room. No bad. All kinds of machines. Free weights, Olympic bars and weights. Bicycles, Treadmill, etc.
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