Forget Obama, UG has real tax relief in store for you. Party April 15th.

Im not sure whats going to be harder. Securing the time to come without raising questions from SO, or trying to remember what email I used to register here.
Fucking sucks getting old.
(hey, I was able to look it up)

Id like to say hello to some old friends. Make a few new ones.
oh hey.....if you're going to go, then I should go to say hi.
UG Party

I'm new to this board, but I've been a long time lurker, including Big D's and the Red Door that was on varrick. I post on SpaHu**** all the time. Can i get a piece of the action?
all the lurkers are coming out of the woodwork

I'm new to this board, but I've been a long time lurker, including Big D's and the Red Door that was on varrick. I post on SpaHu**** all the time. Can i get a piece of the action?
Is funny...guys are long time lurkers, never registered, never posted a review and never contributed to the board in any fashion and wants a piece of action.

I got about 10 guys like you this week alone...trying to book me just because they need an invite for the party.

I have to say...NO, no fucking NO. I just turned down two guys today.

If I didn't meet the guy previously for few times and I know for sure he is 100% cool, I will not vouch for him.

I hope the other ladies are not vouching people just because a guy is booking an appointment...that will compromise the security a whole lot, because there are wolves wearing sheep skins and they do have work information.

I will be leery of the "one time wonders".
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Is funny...guys are long time lurkers, never registered, never posted a review and never contributed to the board in any fashion and wants a piece of action.

I got about 10 guys like you this week alone...trying to book me just because they need an invite for the party.

I have to say...NO, no fucking NO. I just turned down two guys today.

If I didn't meet the guy previously for few times and I know for sure he is 100% cool, I will not vouch for him.

I hope the other ladies are not vouching people just because a guy is booking an appointment...that will compromise the security a whole lot, because there are wolves wearing sheep skins and they do have work information.

I second that notion for that now all the lurkers and newbies all want a piece of the pie and will try anything to get it! I strongly believe in the security issue! But the interesting part is the excuses and stories the guys will tell you just to have you voucher for them, it looks like when you hit the Lotto big time and everyone that knows you or didn't is calling you up and trying to be your new best friend. It never fails!
The party

Betty et all: Damn .. i know security is the key issue in keeping the UG parties successful. Like I said, i've been a lurker for years, just really discovered this board, but I have plenty of lurker credentials. Tell me what i need to do to be validated. Big D, Valjean, Tina, all can vouch for me. I go all the way back to the Melody Burlesque on 7th ave and 48 th(?) st in the early 80's (damn Gooliani screwed everything up). Peace.