Election Comments

As someone who is not affiliated with either party (Yes, I am not neither registered as Rep or Dem)...

I'll say this.... The Dems have been acting like a bunch of fucking crybabies. Before this election, before the 2000 fiasco before before... That's all they do. Now I'm hearing how there is no longer a "checks and balance" in our government... But if they had the big house and both little ones they wouldn't be bitching. They also have NO agenda's to speak of. They burry their heads in the sand when it comes to forign affairs and defending the sovereignty of this country, and when their heads aren't buried, they point fingers at all the Republicans agenda's... WELL AT LEAST THEY HAVE FUCKING AGENDA'S!

btw... In the NY gubernatorial race... The guy who ran solely on legalizing pot beat out the Liberal party candidate. Hmmmmm, maybe that will get them thinking.... You gotta have some fucking teeth and balls!.

PS... The Republicans would have to be idiots to leave W in charge of the pass to the bathroom, let alone a super power nation. He's a cheerleader, and when it mattered most..... remember.... Cheney was locked in a bunker with the powers that be, and W was throwing out baseballs in front of 55,000 at Yankee Stadium.

And if the Dems think "Al the bore Gore in 2004" is their answer to a comeback...... It'll be another 4 years of Bush followed by 8 years of Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

And if they try and run Hillary (let alone ANY woman) nation wide... That's tantamount to waving a white flag.
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Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
"I have no interest whatsoever in being in Washington DC. I'm happy right here." --Karl Rove, when asked if he will head for the White House if Phil Gramm, the candidate he handled in 1996, wins the presidency.
Originally posted by Ozzy

And if the Dems think "Al the bore Gore in 2004" is their answer to a comeback...... It'll be another 4 years of Bush followed by 8 years of Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

I actually agree with a lot of what you wrote.

What kind of odds can I get on Kerry over Bush?
I don't think there's a single Dem in the ranks who can knock off Bush and Co. in two years. They're all followers... They have No leaders. They're going do be in worse trouble when Guliani runs. The republicans have Rudy, Pataki and ChristineWhitman, who all have more "star power" than anything the Dems can serve up right now or in the immediate future.
"The republicans have Rudy, Pataki and ChristineWhitman, who all have more "star power" than anything the Dems can serve up right now or in the immediate future."

Christine Whitman? John Kerry could beat her, easily
For those of you who think GW is a simpleton, I will ask a follow up question.

Is he smart enough to recognize his limitations and bring in smart people who can guide and represent him?

And more importantly, do you think the GW team is competent to lead the nation and the world?

My prediction is that GW's 8 years will make a much more profound and positive impact on the world and this country than Clinton's 8 years did. What did Clinton do anyway? Ah, yes, he taught the young people the value of getting BJs over Going all the way......
My View on GWB

Originally posted by oddfellow4870
For those of you who think GW is a simpleton, I will ask a follow up question.

Is he smart enough to recognize his limitations and bring in smart people who can guide and represent him?

And more importantly, do you think the GW team is competent to lead the nation and the world?

My prediction is that GW's 8 years will make a much more profound and positive impact on the world and this country than Clinton's 8 years did. What did Clinton do anyway? Ah, yes, he taught the young people the value of getting BJs over Going all the way......
From my perspective, the GW team is competent to lead the world - just as Ghengis Kahn was competent. In the international arena, Bush does not value treaties or agreements; he values raw force and power. He espouses no idealism. He is not literate, and his cultural refinements leave a big question mark in my mind. I've heard (so that means it could be totally false) that when he gets on Air Force One, the TV is turned to ESPN or war movies exclusively. No news or TV analysis whatsoever, which means other than military and political briefings, his worldview is circumscribed.

His knowledge of science is also apparently quite limited - or else he just plain lies about what it can and cannot do. For instance, his assertion of 60 some lines available for stem cell research was pure BS; they don't exist for researchers. That branch of scientific exploration has been severely hampered by his misinformation. Similarly, his wanting more definitive research on lead levels in water during his first year in office was a sham. Hell, the research was there already, he just didn't understand it.

As to being smart enough to recognize his limitations and bring in outside consultants, he basically has brought in his Dad's crew from his stint in the White House. That is how we got Rumsfeld and Cheney once again, bringing along their baggage from times past. Many of his appointees to various posts have been industry lobbyists. That is like asking a fox to guard the hen house. That approach is fine if you want to clean out the farmer's hen house, and I believe that is what his buddies have been doing to the US. I think he does listen to a select few consultants - including his family members. Again, his world view is limited and circumscribed, and within that tight field, he does OK.

As to his effect on the world, I too believe he will have a profound effect on the world, but not a positive one. I hope I am wrong. I see him degrading the world, playing the role of an anarchist and destroyer, ripping up international treaties and conventions between nations that have existed for hundreds of years, because they are inconvenient to his wants. I see him degrading the environment. I definitely see the spread between rich and poor, both individuals and nations, broadening immensely under his leadership. His compassionate conservatism may actually be benign neglect or kicking the person with a soft boot as opposed to a steel tipped boot.

What actually has he done so far? He has taken off or undone regulations protecting the environment every chance he can get. He refused to go along with the Kyoto protocols. He has stopped branches of scientific research (i.e., stem cell research). He continually fights against a woman's right to choose an abortion on the national and international field. He has severely weakened the Bill of Rights, totally ignoring various Constitutional Amendments in the case of Muslims suspected of having terrorist links - secretly imprisoning them with no access to an attorney, no trial, no nothing, for extended periods of time. He has authorized the CIA to engage in assassinations, although his administration denies that they are assassinations. He fails to understand the church-state issues in the first amendment and wants to fund different religious endeavors, be they religious schools or religious social service programs designed to convert the people they serve. While governor in Texas, he took medicaid away from children who had no health insurance. He "presided over" numerous executions imposed by the Texas justice system, failing to see if they were so effective as a deterent, the rates should have fallen over time. And lastly, he has now put the federal budget back in red ink, due in large part for his huge tax giveback - most of which dollars went to the upper 5% of the country. You and I maybe got back $600; a relatively few of us got back hundreds of thousands of dollars.

What positive things has he done? Hmmmmmm. I'll get back to you on that one. Oh yes, he has successfully fought the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, but he has not established a secure country. He targeted Osama bin Laden and Mullah Omar as most wanted men....and they are still wanted. Oh yes, he ignored the cries of California that they were being screwed by the electric companies via price fixing, etc., in the process, protecting for a period of time good Texas buddies of his. Now, it looks like CA residents were indeed screwed by the electric companies - and he did nothing to help.

Personally, I see GWB as leading/establishing a new Pax Americana in the world in which our country may very well be the oppressor of the world. The only problem is - I don't think it will really be a Pax, but instead a Bellum Americana.

I know my views about GWB are a minority on this board and in the country - but that is how I see it. His values and Administration repulse me. I see him as a war mongerer and a latent dictator. I do not view him as my President, and I have seriously considered emigrating elsewhere with my family, in spite of the fact that I have no fewer than five ancestors who fought in the American Revolutionary War.