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I was raised poor. I didn't know it or think about until I was in my 40's. I never had all the shit my friends used to have when I was a kid. I never questioned it. My daddy taught me through example good work ethic and everything I have I worked my ass off for to get to where I am today. He always told me if you can't afford it then don't buy it. :D
Gonna go out on a limb here and guess that 20-something girls busy making doggie faces on Instagram probably aren’t also reading Congressional Quarterly.
That was in regard to the owners of Websites who rely on the income generated from those Websites to get by. These young adults with their doggie faces will never know the freedoms we enjoyed or care about them because as Orwell predicted 70 years ago in 1984... "The people will not revolt. They will not look up from their screens long enough to notice what's happening." :D


Go ahead. Try me.
Try telling your doctor, lawyer, auto mechanic, etc. that you are out of money and see what it gets you.
You can walk int any ER and get medical help.
You will be appointed a court order lawyer.
I notice you ignored auto mechanic. There is also plumber, contractor, electrician, and a million other jobs where you can't get free assistance.

And, you still get a bill when you walk into the ER.

As for lawyers, people need lawyers for more than criminal defense. You won't be appointed a lawyer for your custody hearing, or your divorce, or if you are sued by someone. No money, no lawyer.

And if it is a criminal case you get what you pay for. A public defender can have hundreds of cases. You will have the same experience that you have seeing cheap escorts. Failure 9 out of 10 times.
So in other words you only have empathy because that could have been you. Anyone else gets none that doesn't resemblevyour situation despite the possibility that they're trapped in their situation, real or imagined.
Not quite. In order for anyone to feel empathy they have to be able to imagine the feelings they would have in the same situation, circumstances or predicament. For example I will never have empathy for someone who is caught DWI as I never would put myself in that type of situation. I also will never have sympathy for someone who is caught DWI and the consequences faced as he or she is putting me, everyone I care about and those I don't know but should be able to drive the highway w/o risk of encountering a drunk driver.
Not quite. In order for anyone to feel empathy they have to be able to imagine the feelings they would have in the same situation, circumstances or predicament. For example I will never have empathy for someone who is caught DWI as I never would put myself in that type of situation. I also will never have sympathy for someone who is caught DWI and the consequences faced as he or she is putting me, everyone I care about and those I don't know but should be able to drive the highway w/o risk of encountering a drunk driver.
And of course I wouldn't feel empathy for a serial killer because he feels compelled to murder.
A big difference to feel empathy for a provider that lost her only source of income in basically a single day who was making a living in PERHAPS the only way she knows how. I would not call her predicament the same as said serial killer.


Go ahead. Try me.
Not quite. In order for anyone to feel empathy they have to be able to imagine the feelings they would have in the same situation, circumstances or predicament. For example I will never have empathy for someone who is caught DWI as I never would put myself in that type of situation. I also will never have sympathy for someone who is caught DWI and the consequences faced as he or she is putting me, everyone I care about and those I don't know but should be able to drive the highway w/o risk of encountering a drunk driver.
You don't have to be able to be in the same situation as someone to imagine what it might feel like. I may not have sympathy for someone who chooses to drink and drive, but I can empathize. I can imagine what it would be like to be in that situation, though I'd never put myself in it. The inability to imagine it is lack of empathy, and that's a symptom of, among other things, narcissistic personality disorder.

So rather than insist "I'd never be in that situation, so I can't empathize" I would suggest you take a minute and just try to imagine it. If you still can't then, please seek professional help.
You don't have to be able to be in the same situation as someone to imagine what it might feel like. I may not have sympathy for someone who chooses to drink and drive, but I can empathize. I can imagine what it would be like to be in that situation, though I'd never put myself in it. The inability to imagine it is lack of empathy, and that's a symptom of, among other things, narcissistic personality disorder.

So rather than insist "I'd never be in that situation, so I can't empathize" I would suggest you take a minute and just try to imagine it. If you still can't then, please seek professional help.

Being a Heroin Junkie, never.


Go ahead. Try me.
Hookers told me to give a fake name everytime, lol
Funny. Congrats. You can steal minor healthcare. And that still will not help you with any issue that isn't an ER issue. Many medical issues the ER won't treat and they'll tell you to see your doctor. If you get cancer, do you think a fake name in the ER is going to work for surgery or chemo? And what of all the other examples we gave that you are ignoring. Laywer (other than PD) Electrician, plumber, any other professional service?
You don't have to be able to be in the same situation as someone to imagine what it might feel like. I may not have sympathy for someone who chooses to drink and drive, but I can empathize. I can imagine what it would be like to be in that situation, though I'd never put myself in it. The inability to imagine it is lack of empathy, and that's a symptom of, among other things, narcissistic personality disorder.

So rather than insist "I'd never be in that situation, so I can't empathize" I would suggest you take a minute and just try to imagine it. If you still can't then, please seek professional help.
I want to thank you for your free and unsolicited medical advice.
I intend to give it all the attention that I think it is worth.
Funny. Congrats. You can steal minor healthcare. And that still will not help you with any issue that isn't an ER issue. Many medical issues the ER won't treat and they'll tell you to see your doctor. If you get cancer, do you think a fake name in the ER is going to work for surgery or chemo? And what of all the other examples we gave that you are ignoring. Laywer (other than PD) Electrician, plumber, any other professional service?

Lucky for me, I am just a pervert with a job and insurance.
Once again, completely missing the point.

I miss the strolls as well, but more.


Go ahead. Try me.
And some disorders aren't worth treating. One of the subs I play with is a psych student and enjoys sending me pics of her text book pages that talk about sexual masochism disorder and sexual sadism disorder. :D
You don't have to be able to be in the same situation as someone to imagine what it might feel like. I may not have sympathy for someone who chooses to drink and drive, but I can empathize. I can imagine what it would be like to be in that situation, though I'd never put myself in it. The inability to imagine it is lack of empathy, and that's a symptom of, among other things, narcissistic personality disorder.

So rather than insist "I'd never be in that situation, so I can't empathize" I would suggest you take a minute and just try to imagine it. If you still can't then, please seek professional help.
That’s the correct definition of empathy. Many people confuse the two, especially in a situation they’re unsympathetic towards.
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