Approved List

Emily, I think it's an amazing idea. You could also start a private community with just the girls and have them enter in "White Listed" men. That way it wouldn't be out in the open and communication between the ladies would be easier. Like a Yahoo Group or something. I am a member of DZ411, I think we have a white list section on there too.
Thank you, I think DZ is a great site but I become too overwhemed with the information. I was hoping to create an exclusive go list separated from a stay away list. Whenever I read horror stories I start to become paroniod so it's best for me to avoid it and use my instincts.
Was it LE or something else doing the pressing?
I will never be sure what pressed her to accommodate, maybe jealousy, maybe she had some hidden anger towards me, maybe she just has no common sense. He was just someone who no showed once and I blacklisted him and then he found a way to get me to see him again. The second time he called at the time of our schedule saying he was leaving work in NJ. I was livid and found him on my personal blacklist. I look really distinctive and there is no way he did not know I was the same person that said never call me again. I confronted her and she defended him, I knew then she was aware I had refused to see him and vouched for him anyway. I am a non competitive person and only wish for success for everyone but not all providers are like that.
Perhaps she had an OK experience with the guy and she didnt know about your issue?
I don't think so because after she defended him she brought up something that she thinks I did to her years before like it was some sort of weird pay back. She acted totally guilty, I could actually envision the conversation they had "Oh you know Emily, she will not see me, could you drop a good word..........." . She knew he was jerk and proabably did the same thing to her but she also did see him (maybe) and knew he wasn't going to hurt me but just mess up my schedule. After some research I found out he is know as a chronic no show guy not only with me but other ladies, a real jerk. If she had no knowledge she would apologize not defend, I never even asked for it for the referal. It was a one time incident but it does show it could happen.
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