Any one seen this Israeli brunette with green eyes?

I'm a big fan of free speech. There's not another era, nor nation, that has ever existed where a guy like me can say whatever he damn well pleases on his own pundit, with pretty much no consequences other than being called a dumbarse by other people exercising their free speech rights as well. The same goes with protests. If people want to picket, bitch, etc. even if I despise their cause, in my opinion they have the right to speak their minds (diseased as they may be) as long as they don't interfere with people on a physical level (IE: blocking areas off, clogging traffic like those die-in assholes in he streets, etc.). I used to feel that way about abortion protests as well, but a year ago I started leaning the other way, and I'll tell you why.
November 7th, 2002, my son was born at Swedish American Hospital, in Rockford, Illinois (Happy B-day Trevor me boy!). He had trouble breathing and ended up in the neo-natal intensive care unit (NICU). Anyway, he was born with an infection of some sort, had to be on IV antibiotics for about a week, but was otherwise fine except for some problems with his eyes (will probably post about that some other time). My older son, 5 years old at the time, was scared to death his little brother was going to die.
Fast forward 3 days, taking my eldest to see his little brother. Out on the sidewalk in front of the hospital are 15 or so screaming anti-abortionists waving full color 3' x 5' posters of scrambled babies. It seems that one of the only OB-GYN's in the area that performed abortions also did regular rounds at the hospital. No abortions were performed at the hospital. Ever. But these assholes decided to wave dead baby pictures in front of a hospital where parents and siblings of very sick infants, some terminally, have to pass by their display to visit the babies in that intensive care ward.
My older son was looking at some construction equipment on the other side of the road, and didn't notice them. If he had, and had been traumatized in the least (after already being near tears most of that week thinking his new brother was going to possibly die), I would still be in prison for multiple 2nd degree murders. Being that close to a medical facility would not have saved them.
I came back the next day without my son and after my murderous rage had subsided, to have a civil chat with them about why waving those pictures at that particular place was not a good idea, but they were gone.

If there are any people out there reading this who participate in that kind of protest, just use a little common fucking sense, will ya?

This concludes my blogging about abortion. We now return to our regularly scheduled foul-mouthed cursing about religions
oh and for the record, that chick has a smokin body and i aM going to see what she's about.You pissed me off mikester and it led to this discussion which i will not partake in anymore!!
here is my freespeech. highongoof balls you are a lowlife zeonphobe. i told you i was not a jew.this started when i told you that the ug is not the place for you anti semetic rants. here are two links for a shit bag on your level www.national and this is their news papers link their you will find trure americans if that what you think you are. and while i am on freedom of speech to slinky i dont care if you ban me but you would rather void my posting than do something about this shit bag. as far as i am concerned this showes what the ug realy stands fof. if i were a jew. ladie of an owner i would pull my ad as quick as possible. if slinly you are a jew youur self when does frist amment rights go to the ponit of harrasment or if you are a jew yourself do you know who would operate the oven he would sent you to. no shitbag highon goofball i am not a winnie jew. just a anglo saxon prostant who wont stant while any race get malined.... IMHO
Back to the original post. Has anybody nailed this girl and has a review. She looks really hot and reminds me of a young version of a soccer mom whom I'm friends with and been trying to nail for the past two years. And yes my friend is jewish and I dont have a problem with it at all. Hey I look at it this way, she's kosher ;)
im sorry, I still think she looks a little like a male to me, and so does her friend. Id tread lightly there, until someone coughs up a review, and rest assured, it wont be me until I know what gender were dealing with.
Originally posted by highongoofballs
she does look like a typical jew, i dont know if i could look past that peninsula of a nose...
Why don't you go fuck yourself and save a buck or two.

[mumbled @#$#$$%! fucking asshole $#!@#$@#$!]
Originally posted by highongoofballs
she does look like a typical jew, i dont know if i could look past that peninsula of a nose...
I'd tell you to go fuck yourself and save a buck or two but that comment is beneath even that level of comtempt.
Its weird, I've never seen her at the Monday Night Meetings (for those of you not jewish, its at the MNMs that we plot our world domination. Its not easy since we're drunk half the time on red wine, busy eating matzot and having to avoid poking each other in the eye with our noses but, God knows, we manage). I will be sure to look for her at tonight's meeting. With a little luck, I'll find her and hopefully score a freebie since she'll probably be drunk with all the power she wields over American politics (thats why shes a hooker, not all jews can buy influence ya know, some of them have to fuck for influence, but God bless her for doing her part to advance our cause).
There is one thing we all have in common!

We all clicked this link to find out how this chick is in bed, can we get off the racist and war stuff and back onto the stuff that paying for bush (not the president).
Jews give up control of the world

News Flash: Jews Give Up Control of the World!
>Gibson's Father Convinces Jews To Give Up World Control
>by Dan Barash
>March 25, 2004
>Bowing to intense pressure from Mel Gibson's father,
>Jews announced today that they would no longer control
>the world. In a press release, Jews stated, "Although
>we have thoroughly enjoyed the challenges of world
>domination for the last 500 years, we feel it's time
>for gentiles to take control of their own affairs.
>We plan to spend more time with our families and
>pursue other interests."
>Hutton Gibson stated he was pleased with the
>announcement, but expressed concern he was losing a
>scapegoat for all of his problems. He said he would
>be launching a search for a new minority group to
>Many Jews expressed relief that they could give up
>burdensome responsibilities. Retired accountant Jerry
>Friedman, who controls all media in Montana, said,
>"I would just as well let the citizens of Montana
>manage their own TV and newspapers. Don't get me wrong,
>Montana is a fine state. But it gets awfully cold, and
>there's nowhere to get a good bagel."
>Attorney Allen Franks said he's glad he no longer has
>to manage Bulg****n monetary policy. "It was getting
>to be quite a hassle," he said. "I already have a full
>time job and can't even balance my own checkbook, let
>alone control the finances of an entire nation."
>Homemaker Judith Levine said she would "...miss the
>hustle and bustle of setting the international price
>for magnesium every day. But my son is about to be Bar
>Mitzvah'd, and oy! Such a party we're gonna have you
>wouldn't believe!"
>Hollywood producer Sidney Greenbaum was pessimistic
>about the announcement. "Do you really think goyim
>know how to make movies?" he asked. "They'll all end
>up being high budget, technicolor snuff flicks if you
>leave things up to Mel and his kind."
>Comedy experts expressed concern that the business
>would suffer if Jews suddenly withdrew. According to
>one insider, "Take away all the Jewish comics and
>writers, and all you have left is Carrot Top. That's
>not a world I want to live in."
>A potluck dinner in honor of Jews contributions to
>mankind will be held at the Hoboken Holiday Inn on
>April 3. All gentiles are welcome to attend.
>Participants will be encouraged to share an offensive
>Jewish joke.
Originally posted by BigMadM
Im suprised at you thorn. Remarks made out of pure hatred, or racism, dont warrant responses.

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Pastor Martin Niemöller
holy crap would you shut the hell up already, Jews think they are the world. Too bad the past two satellites they launched to spy on iran(who we will probably be at war with anyday because of israel)fell into the Mediterranean...OK, Now I'm officialy done with this boring flame..
Not for nothing, but can you jerk offs take your love affair elsewhere. I asked a question about a chick not about your persoanl fucking beliefs. Get a grip or go rub one out it might ease the tention a bit.
Originally posted by THE MIKESTER
here is my freespeech. highongoof balls you are a lowlife zeonphobe. i told you i was not a jew.this started when i told you that the ug is not the place for you anti semetic rants. here are two links for a shit bag on your level www.national and this is their news papers link their you will find trure americans if that what you think you are. and while i am on freedom of speech to slinky i dont care if you ban me but you would rather void my posting than do something about this shit bag. as far as i am concerned this showes what the ug realy stands fof. if i were a jew. ladie of an owner i would pull my ad as quick as possible. if slinly you are a jew youur self when does frist amment rights go to the ponit of harrasment or if you are a jew yourself do you know who would operate the oven he would sent you to. no shitbag highon goofball i am not a winnie jew. just a anglo saxon prostant who wont stant while any race get malined.... IMHO
dude, you have to chill out! yeah, he probably shouldn't have made those jokes on a public forum but come on! most of us have made racist jokes before! i am asian but i grew up in a very jewish town and my best friends in the world are jewish but you know that every race, ethnicity, and religious group has their problems. seriously, i wouldn't take it seriously if you made some stupid joke about asian people.
joking versus being a demented sick f*ck

Originally posted by bigguy3
dude, you have to chill out! yeah, he probably shouldn't have made those jokes on a public forum but come on! most of us have made racist jokes before! i am asian but i grew up in a very jewish town and my best friends in the world are jewish but you know that every race, ethnicity, and religious group has their problems. seriously, i wouldn't take it seriously if you made some stupid joke about asian people.
He wasn't joking. The guy (highongoofballs) was serious where you and your friends were joking. That is why people are carrying this on for so long. This individual is a sick f*ck.

PS- I am a Jew. I control the shoe business:)
Re: joking versus being a demented sick f*ck

Originally posted by shooz
He wasn't joking. The guy (highongoofballs) was serious where you and your friends were joking. That is why people are carrying this on for so long. This individual is a sick f*ck.

PS- I am a Jew. I control the shoe business:)
I am a proud jewish whore, this type of outrageous antisemetic dreck has no place on a pmb...
lets talk blow jobs...
not only do we run the world but jewish girls give the best head