An Interesting Article for You Geo-Political Aficionados


Thinks he's Caesar's Wife
I am not Real Deal we are just friends. But that doesn't mean I agreed with every fevered thought that spills out of him. And for the record, I do think that the Timothy McVey types are more reprehensible than OBL.
Mr. Skagen, You do understand that being an anti Semite is the same exact thing as being racist, don't you? There simply is NO condoning that sort of behaviour nor those type of posts. I only address this to you because of your past (numerous) comments on this subject and your quick trigger in the past in accusing others of being racist against blacks. Hatred is hatred and if you expect others to sympathize with your cause you must at the very least be sympathetic to theirs, if you intend to lecture others on stupidity of racism than you should be the first to practice what you preach. It should be pointed out that most of us (and any half witted person) can assume that PJ’s and others posts in this thread which referred to exterminating the “cockroaches” and “scourges” of this world, were not meant as a blanket statement against all people of Muslim decent but only against those who commit and endorse these heinous crimes (terrorists).

I seem to remember someone accusing you of being a racist yourself and how strongly you resented that label... Well sir, after seeing your comment above in which you chastised one poster (PJ) for what you felt was a racist comment (IMHO I think you were wrong) but neglected to chastise the original (and surly more offending) racist post, it only draws me to conclude that you are someone who practices selective racism yourself... unless you think referring to a group of people as “hebs” or “hook nosed jews” is somewhat better than referring to another group of people as “niggers” or “spear-chuckers”. The old saying “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..” certainly applies here to you.

Originally posted by skagen
You know full well that the term "cockroaches" was used in the discussion to describe arabs in general.
I never said that. Do not put words and your own prejudices into my mouth.

IMO, you perform terrorist acts, you are a "cockroach" and the "scourge of the earth". I don't care if you are a swarthy middle-easterner, or a blue-eyed Timothy McVeigh WASP. I NEVER used it to paint ANY group with a broad brush.

BTW-we did a fine job of exterminating TMcV. I believe that his execution was the fastest in modern history. But it was too slow in coming, and too painless.
Originally posted by Mr. Sunshine
Mr. Skagen, You do understand that being an anti Semite is the same exact thing as being racist, don't you? There simply is NO condoning that sort of behaviour nor those type of posts.

I see some spineless hook-nose has dusted off a stashed screen name for the "controversial" fuckin pathetic.

As for Heeb Sunshine's post, where the fuck did you read Skagen condone any of my posts, hugh, hook-nose? All he did was say that those offended by some of the terms i used should have been equally offended by terms used against Arabs. He nowhere said he condoned or agreed with me.
Skagen, do you see how these fuckin hook-noses do? You didn't say shit and they're putting you on the defensive. This is the tactic they've used for years to great success and they've managed to scare everyone into saying a muthafuckin thing out of fear that they'll be labeled an anti-semite, regardless if you said anything anti-semitic or not. I said plenty but you didn't say shit, yet they're trying to play you. Then they wonder why everyone hates their fuckin asses.

As for that spin that Heeb Sunshine is trying to put on those terms (scourges, cockroaches), go back and read those posts and you'll see that "only referring to terrorists" is a bunch of bullshit. Nowhere in those posts did the poster even imply such a distinction.

Eat a dick you fuckin hook-noses........this is one muthafucka that aint buyin what your Heeb asses are sellin. DIE SLOW you fuckin maggots!!!!!!!
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And where the fuck are all the minority politicians in this whole Iraq thing? We're getting ready to send thousands of young black and latino men and women to fight a war for....
a) Israel; b) the pockets of some already extremely rich white men. You know there won't be Jew boys or relatives of those rich white men among those sent to war, do you? Please. Yet are we hearing much of anything from those politicians whose constituents will have their sons and daughters sent to fight a war they have no business fighting? Of course not. They're more concerned about keeping their fuckin offices than raising a ruckus, which is EXACTLY what they should be doing. They should be leading marches in every inner city and making it an issue that NO black or latino child will risk his life to save the Heebs in Israel and to line the pockets of rich white men with the stranglehold they'll have on Iraqi oil. It's fuckin ridiculous. Their silence on this is a CRIME and what makes me more sick is that you KNOW that those same politicians will be at the photo op with the parents of the next black kid that's shot by a white cop. All of a sudden, those politicians are gonna "care". What a fuckin joke.
Originally posted by Stecchino
And where the fuck are all the minority politicians in this whole Iraq thing?
Like all the other politicians, they are more concerned with being re-elected than saving anyone's ass. Mostly Democrats, they know damn well which way the electorial wind is blowing, and would much prefer being downwind.