9/11 provider services

sorry greekgirl

sorry... i know you weren't saying "c'mon girls, lower your rates!" you were just suggesting that it was something to think about...

I'm just touchy on the subject because the guys that called me were really mean about it. I just don't understand why they think that I am under some kind of obligation to have sex with them on 9/11 as some kind of 'American Duty' for peanuts.

I hate being treated with that kind of disrespect.

Especially when they call me "bitch".

Eve, look at it this way.....

better you find out over the phone or though ******s that these guys are not worth seeing. Had you met them, and midway through the session they become abusive, it could get ugly.

Ive said it before and I'll say it again.

Treat others as you yourself wish to be treated

A good rule don't you think!

I am also sick and tired of guys who treat service providers as a lower life form who's only purpose in life is to satisfy our primal urges.

Remember if people found out you patronized prostitutes, what would they think of you?

Sorry for the rant.
Re: Eve, look at it this way.....

Originally posted by Daniel_NYC
better you find out over the phone or though ******s that these guys are not worth seeing. Had you met them, and midway through the session they become abusive, it could get ugly.

Ive said it before and I'll say it again.

Treat others as you yourself wish to be treated

A good rule don't you think!

I am also sick and tired of guys who treat service providers as a lower life form who's only purpose in life is to satisfy our primal urges.

Remember if people found out you patronized prostitutes, what would they think of you?

Sorry for the rant.
Totally in agreement with you Daniel. I really admire these women. I wouldn't be able to put up with some of the shit they probably have to deal with every day.

You bring up an interesting thought.

Probably most people would think of us as the scum of the earth for seeing a provider and never let us forget it. It just emphasizes the thin line clients and providers walk each day. One small incident could change our lives forever.
good boys

Thanks for those posts...

It's nice to be brought back from a spell of man-hating (which I can do well when I have the occaison) to remember that there are lot of really good people who are clients out there...
Originally posted by rogue
I have a provider friend in Chicago who is doing a Bang-a-thon on 9/11 for all the stressed out people and to stimulate the economy and business-reduced rates for a strict 1/2 hour all day on the 11....

Ladies-as NY'ER'S who actually lived it live-what do you think-to help out with the emotional memories and baggage,stimulate the business and the economy-can we come up with something similar for all people concerned on both sides of the bed!?

reduced rates for the day?
cheaper rates for less hours?
cheaper incall or outcall for the day?
more hours for the same rate?


My curiosity tweaked, I took a trip over to the TBD Chicago board, and discovered that the lady Rogue mentioned is indeed having a Bang-a-thon...and **all proceeds go to charity.** Definitely the most original fundraiser, and one of the most unique providers, I've ever seen....the incomparable Bebedoll :)!
Proceeds go to charity

Jeez Rogue,
How could you leave that part out!
That is pretty important!

Here we had to endure all the comments about the lady being insensitive and what not for nothing.

Can you imagine this on the Jerry Lewis Telethon with Ed McMahon asking Bebedoll how she raised the money:

Ed: Bebedoll, five thousand dollars is a lot of money for you to raise, why don't you tell us how you did it.

Bebe: Well I let men have their way with me for a donation.

Ed: A donation you say......


get your brains out of your zippers for at least one day....
this was the gravest day in American history and some
idiot is talking about and encouraging a bang-a-thon ???
Jesus, guys...grow up.........
i for one will not be watching tv that day, I care not to be reminded over and over again what happened.We need to move on, the family members need to move on and not be reminded, for they live it everday. When i look out my balcony, the sky line is and never will be the same.
sorry Lauren...but I disagree...every adult...not the kids,
but every adult in this country should watch all day and
burn the pictures into their memory. It will happen again,
and it will be because people want to "move on"...
This isn't over yet and won't be over until these
cockroaches are removed from the earth...........

Originally posted by jcb625
get your brains out of your zippers for at least one day....
this was the gravest day in American history and some
idiot is talking about and encouraging a bang-a-thon ???
Jesus, guys...grow up.........
You summed it up - there is nothing else to say.
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I want to remember. I dont want to ever forget.

You cant move on from something unless you deal with it first.

I dont plan to be working that day, but I understand if some need the distraction by working or hobbying.

We each deal with tragedies our own way and should not knock anyone for how they deal with theirs..
my suggestion..

First-I personally lost 5 people,all relatives-plus some fire and police friends through my job-and yes-most of the guys and girls would have liked one more go round-
Second-I didn't mention charity,becuase I don't know where it's going,and because many wouldn't have believed it-even though I know if she says it,it'll happen-
Third-I didn't mention names because she is a friend,and it was the concept,not the whom
Fourth-Yes,I will mourn,deal and watch TV with tears in my eyes-and then hopefully be with someone -the post was a discussion for the ladies only..
On 9/11 my only change will be a silent prayer for those I knew who are no longer here, and there are many.

Then I will go on with my day as I have the day before, and will the day after.

I can't understand, for the life or me, the very American desire to pick at scabs. Nothing ever heals that way.

There is a difference between remembering something, and dwelling on it.
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Originally posted by jcb625
This isn't over yet and won't be over until these
cockroaches are removed from the earth...........
What cockroaches. Do you realize just how many people in the world dislike America? Are we going to nuke them all? Lets get real.
Originally posted by skagen

What cockroaches. Do you realize just how many people in the world dislike America? Are we going to nuke them all? Lets get real.
thank you skagen... that was really beginning to get to me too.
Best analogy I can think of is this:

We are trying to create a huge "gated community" with all the "bomb the cockroaches", and " airline security" crap. It aint gonna work. You cannot stop everything, its like trying to hold a leaking dam up. That's' what the Israelis have been doing for years. They clearly don't get it. I'm not sure why we are following them down the same path. There's nothing in their national lifestyle of permanent war that I find remotely attractive.

We're much better off fixing the situation where people feel that their life is worth throwing away in order to kill us.

If we aren't doing that I'm not sure what the 9-11 mania is going to be for, other than subliminal advertising to support more fruitless warmongering and Ashcroft/Bush's creation of an American KGB...oops, sorry I mean "Homeland Security Department"....