Hi, I'm new here

Hiya everyone! I've been enjoying the hobby sporadically for a couple years around the DMV. I'm beginning an extended stay in NYC and I intend to make the most of it. I plan to share any encounters with the community. You've got a great forum here - hats off to the mods.
Short-term goals:
1. Figure out what Rule 19 means.
2. Find a cute face offering dtbbbjcim.
3. Meet Angelico on a Thurs night.

Wishing everyone safe travels and free extras!
Hello everyone. Got my first taste of this hobby earlier this week so I'm still a rookie, but I'm eager to share my experiences and give reviews to places I visit in Manhattan.

Though I've gone a bit crazy this week I only infrequently partake in the hobby as I prefer sleeping with non-pros, but for those times I really need to let off some steam and I don't have the time or desire to find fresh tail, I have an outlet.

Despite not being the most active monger I'll do my best to post my experiences so others can learn from them.

Hey all. New here and had my first experience which was quite pleasant. The number I contacted her at does not seem to be posted yet so will try to figure out how to start a new post. Look forward to learning more!
Hey all happy TGIF, been a lurker here for about a month, I'm in Nassau county, got into the monger style earlier this year after a divorce, might as well be happy with most endings right? Will try and contribute in the future, not into FS but will definitely be watching out for any good FBSM spots