Sugar Babies are not good Girlfriends

All relationships are different. ...If you are trying to evolve it then you have to put in work. She has said she doesnt like jealous guys so i give her space never question her. Act masculine and let her act feminine. Dominate in the bedroom and listen to her. I'm making this chick fall in love cause im really attracted to her. Not just physically. No one can tell you what kind of relationship you have with someone but YOU . Just dont lie to yourself.
I probably lied to myself in the beginning and now grounded myself. I suppose that is all the crux of the matter with the specifics being what they are. In my case I think I and her are trying to evolve it perhaps with different reasons and maybe in different directions despite as much as we talk and as confusing as that may be it's working for what it is defined or not. One does get curious though, but in a weird and twisted way it keeps it exciting and I'm more than ok with that.
This goes to that proverbial argument that we are not simply what we do and our job doesn't define us. Unfortunately for providers that is a stigma that is difficult to overcome. (No pun intended.)
I disagree with this. One of the reasons that they are sugarbabies and not escorts is because they have different standards. I am friends with quite a few sugarbabies. It's not just about the money for them. I mean, of course they want the money, but everyone I met would absolutely refuse a guy she didn't like and stay with one she did like, even if the one she liked was giving her less.
This is exactly how the three i've met have acted. All 3 have told me they met a guy they didnt like and nothing happened. I believe them .
Hell even some friends and bf/gf's don't like each other completely all the time, so I could imagine it being so for a SB too. That said, on at least SA a SB gets to pick and choose too and many of them do exactly that for numerous different reasons and not just based on bankroll size. Just like the guys are doing. I can't prove it but I'm also sure I got preference just by them knowing they were going to have a sure thing with me and that I would be treating them nicely. Sometimes you can almost even see the transformation occur from some of them.
Hell even some friends and bf/gf's don't like each other completely all the time, so I could imagine it being so for a SB too. That said, on at least SA a SB gets to pick and choose too and many of them do exactly that for numerous different reasons and not just based on bankroll size. Just like the guys are doing. I can't prove it but I'm also sure I got preference just by them knowing they were going to have a sure thing with me and that I would be treating them nicely. Sometimes you can almost even see the transformation occur from some of them.
How did they know they were "going to have a sure thing" with you and that you "would be treating them nicely?" I'm not trying to bust your balls but rather I'm just wondering what you specifically told them to assure them of this. I figure that some guys on here can use the help with their approach.
I disagree with this. One of the reasons that they are sugarbabies and not escorts is because they have different standards. I am friends with quite a few sugarbabies. It's not just about the money for them. I mean, of course they want the money, but everyone I met would absolutely refuse a guy she didn't like and stay with one she did like, even if the one she liked was giving her less.
It's uneven comparison. Many girls from site are just labeled as SBs bc an escort sounds a bit harsh. We are sugarcoating things here making them think they are SBs, when most are in fact lighter version of escort

I agree, with these girls men are labeled 'doable' or 'not'. Once you are in 'doable' group, what puts you on top of her list is amount you offer and ease of getting it.

If more guys she meets offer easier or better allowance, your chances of seeing her whenever you want get slimmer. You may think or she will tell you- busy with school or work - while guys ahead of you on list are pounding her regularly

True story: my buddy was seeing a girl from site for few weeks and one time when they were done, she went to take a shower. She left her phone on table and kept vibrating non stop. He was nosey if it was her bf or other guys - he went thru her texts. He discovered she met 2 guys before meeting him that day and was making plans to meet other 2-3 after. 5-6 different guys in a same day. Very disrespectful on his end but it gets to show you what girls from site are capable of doing
While we think that these gals may not be as active as street walkers or BP/CL girls, we really have no way of confirming that statistically. So why not just accept that
SA girls run the gamut of activity just like any other provider does? Furthermore, why not just accept them for what they are offering. Their time for your money. What you do with that time is the real issue here, isn't it?
IME for instance if you just want to get your cock sucked then I'm certain you can get it and sucked very well at that. But that's the boundary of that isn't it? Why should anything more be given, provided or even negotiated? Seen one cock you've seen them all. Given that then why not ask for the most money in the least amount of time?

I don't approach it that way not even as a strategy per se so much as it's just not my cup of tea. I want to savor a women that's my cup. So I don't approach them as holes. I plain old enjoy being with them and so structure my dates with that in mind.

Now, my going to have a sure thing and would be treating them nicely was more of a post comment. They'd know because they met me. But I still approach it that way in our pre discussions. Keep the comfortable thoughout. And on our first date I make sure to hit that home. And I'm super casual. I don't want you breaking your neck to impress me just be yourself and let's see where things go and I will be too. I'd like to think that's why I'm able to move forward easily often even though I don't believe I have much game. I'm not a threat.

This all said I know others are doing the same thing successfully and I also know others are doing their own thing successfully,
True story: my buddy was seeing a girl from site for few weeks and one time when they were done, she went to take a shower. She left her phone on table and kept vibrating non stop. He was nosey if it was her bf or other guys - he went thru her texts. He discovered she met 2 guys before meeting him that day and was making plans to meet other 2-3 after. 5-6 different guys in a same day. Very disrespectful on his end but it gets to show you what girls from site are capable of doing
I don't know why I think this but I think that's fascinating.
The whole thing. lol. The whole SA thing is curious to me.
It’s a no brained if you ask me. These girls are looking at SA as like a part time job to make extra money without having to tell a soul about what they are doing.

1) They don’t have to sit on a street corner.
2) They don’t have to sit in a motel room hoping the monger is clean and not a psychopath
3) Next to no chance of getting busted by LE..

They’re addicted to money... and they can find plenty of middle aged guys that are half way decent looking to support them...
Some girls can do that regularly. Some, only when theyre really in a pinch. Ive ssid before, you can tell how "loyal" she is by how demanding she is when she needs money. If shes really only seeing you, shell settle for less, or bother you sll day to make sure you meet, if rent or a bill is due.

Some will get a room and whore it up for real (before FOSTA, of course), post an ad, and see what its like to fuck 10 guys in 1 day.

These girls are all pigs. Either way you slice it. They are not to be trusted. If you can trust her now, because youre her one and only, you can be sure she'll be fucking a bunch of guys every week once shes more jaded. Thats why I say see them a few times, and get as much filth out of them as possible. Dont get in a routine
Routine = rut.
Most girls know by signing up on SA what it entails on their end. Some meet their SD, close their acct and go on with their arrangement

Other kind we are bringing up here are taking opportunity to monetize to maximum. They are not concerned of fucking 1, 5 or 10 guys a day, if they can get financially benefit out of it. There's no such thing as loyalty, moral values or self respect with these girls. They think of themselves as smart young women making few hundred bucks for 1-2 hrs instead of working entire wk for it

I have met one girl which gets called by rich guys she met on SA for parties, vacations or whatever they need. She's hot, got hot gfs and lives off of it. She gets nicely rewarded but she knows she can't say no to anything these guys want.
Sad part about all this is she dropped out of college and her future won't be too bright when her good looks fade away

Sophia Belle

Trickle Down Economist
Some girls can do that regularly. Some, only when theyre really in a pinch. Ive ssid before, you can tell how "loyal" she is by how demanding she is when she needs money. If shes really only seeing you, shell settle for less, or bother you sll day to make sure you meet, if rent or a bill is due.

Some will get a room and whore it up for real (before FOSTA, of course), post an ad, and see what its like to fuck 10 guys in 1 day.

These girls are all pigs. Either way you slice it. They are not to be trusted. If you can trust her now, because youre her one and only, you can be sure she'll be fucking a bunch of guys every week once shes more jaded. Thats why I say see them a few times, and get as much filth out of them as possible. Dont get in a routine
Routine = rut.
90% of these guys are paying for it and MARRIED... yet we are the pigs and can't be trusted. Like wtf. Maybe they aren’t loyal because you aren’t providing what they need. Are you loyal? Are you honest? Are you living life with the strongest moral compass around? Maybe your opinion doesn’t violate any rules on here but it is quite offensive. If you want loyalty and honesty, maybe you should find a wife and stop being a whore yourself. Just saying