

  • Before Midnite Friday

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Beteen Midnite and Noon on Saturday

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • Between Noon and Midnite on Saturday

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • Sunday

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • Monday or later

    Votes: 25 55.6%

  • Total voters

I have been watching and was going to post the same question. The real question is how long did the first 100k take compared to the second and at the current growth rate when is the projected 300K.
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Does the count include posts that were deleted and/or posts in the admin area? Heck, there were over 1000 posts in Kimmie's confession thread alone.
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Re: Re: 200K

So almost 21 months for the first 100K and 7+ for the next. If you post the more recent numbers one of the math wizards here could plot the current growth rate and we could have a long range poll for 300k. Might be a good number to have in your pocket for potenial advertisers.

A more valuable number may in fact be the number views. Is there a currnt count?

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Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
February 2003 .......... 15314
January 2003 ............. 17990
December 2002 .......... 14947
November 2002 ......... 14823
October 2002 ............. 12936
September 2002 ........ 11554

Forum Stats:
Threads: 11766 | Posts: 199646 | PMs: 0 | Thread Views: 9,152,023 | Page Views: 17,375,788

Cloud Nine

I had to open my big mouth.......
Originally posted by slinkybender
February 2003 .......... 15314
January 2003 ............. 17990
Quiz question:

Why did the posting total go down in February?

A) February is a shorter month

B) Those damn gerbils went on strike too many times in Feb. (Theboard was down quite a bit that month)

C) That's when C9 comix got its own section, it scared everyone away.

D) Kimmie stopped posting about her confessions.

E) BMM was short on cash flow that month.

F) Most everyone has hit silver or gold and BillF didnt have too many people to welcome.

G) Ozzy & Phantom were banned.

H) Club Antitode didnt learn of UG until later in the month.

I) All of the above.

J) None of the above.