What happened to the board?

Before today, my last login was on Friday (9/3). I was away for the weekend and didn't have any internet access. When I tried to login yesterday (9/7), I got some sort of database error.

What happened?
Some database issues. Still not sure exactly why. May have been a hard disk issue, maybe something else. Should be ok now, so if anyone is still having issues, let us know.

OTOH, the first email we got was at 7PM, if we had been alerted earlier, it would have been fixed sooner.
See, I always figured that you were inundated with emails when this stuff happens, so I don't want to bother you even more.
See, I always figured that you were inundated with emails when this stuff happens, so I don't want to bother you even more.
Yeah, usually the IT guys get pissed when you alert them to a problem. They always say they get a million e-mails and they are aware of the issue.