We don't like Obamacare


The Obama administration knew for the last 3 years that millions wouldn't be able to keep their insurance. Yet On June 15, 2009, Obama said this: "We will keep this promise to the American people. If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your healthcare plan, you will be able to keep your healthcare plan. Period.” And In 2012, he echoed that sentiment, saying, “If you already have health insurance, you will keep your health insurance.”

Everything out of this guys mouth is a lie, I've never seen anything like him. Yet he maintains a large flock of brain dead zealots who think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. And for what, he has no accomplishments worth mentioning. One of these zealots recently wrote "he has rarely disappointed me and as far as his signature legislation it is far from the only one, there is equal pay for women and civil rights for same sex, immigration reform, it might apply to you but it has positively affected millions of citizens." Equal pay for women any President would of signed, civil rights for same sex he had nothing to do with, and there hasn't been any immigration reform and there won't be because he cannot be trusted to enforce the borders. So what the hell is this person talking about. Are bullshit issues like don't ask don't tell all that matter to this person when Obama has single handedly destroyed the foreign affairs of this nation. Allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us and he thinks that the Muslim Brotherhood who gave us the number 2 man in Al Qaeda is moderate. This man is a danger to us all especially now as he is getting played like a violin by Iran, who will probably have a nuke sooner rather than later. And then there is the economy and I can't think of a thing he has done to try to improve it that wouldn't have made it worse. If somebody knows of anything please tell me.


So Yonkers ... what does Bush have to do with Barry? I consider myself a Republican Conservative. Many of us did not approve of Bush. I consider him a liar and someone who manipulated bad intelligence to get the war he wanted in Iraq. The fact that Bush may have been a poor President and a liar does NOTHING to change the fact that Barry is the worse President in the history of the country. At least of my lifetime ... that goes back to Johnson. I would consider Bush second worst.

The point is ... you should not make an argument that Barry is permitted to lie because Bush may have also.
Fair enough. YOu are right. However ... I think Obama has lied on just about EVERYTHING. Bush was mostly honest .... although the lies and manipulation to get us in Iraq was very costly in lives and money. I guess Obamacare could ultimately cost the country more lives than the war in Iraq. Hopefully we can get it removed before too long.

Exiled - You should stop arguing with Emily. She is simply out of her mind.
When every intelligence report that comes across your desk says Iraq has WMDs, when every foreign intelligence agency says Iraq has WMDs, when the UN says Iraq is not cooperating with the search for WMDs, when you ask your CIA director who was held over from the Clinton Administration if he is absolutely certain Iraq has WMDs and his answer is "Mr. President it is a slam dunk", when Colin Powell spends 4 days and 4 nights going over intelligence reports for his UN speech, when every Democrat in Congress comes to the same conclusion using the same intelligence reports, HOW can anyone who is not a radical left wing ideologue say that he lied? Did Bush fly over there without anyone knowing, take a look around for himself, find nothing, and then come home and lie about it? Because that's the only way you can make a case for him lying.
Exiled - You should stop arguing with Emily. She is simply out of her mind.
I have, I was using her as an example. Well at least I have toned it down especially after the beating she took from Ozzy. I kind of feel sorry for her in a way. It's a terrible thing to go through life deranged, delusional, and full of hate. She does give good TV reviews though.
When every intelligence report that comes across your desk says Iraq has WMDs, when every foreign intelligence agency says Iraq has WMDs, when the UN says Iraq is not cooperating with the search for WMDs, when you ask your CIA director who was held over from the Clinton Administration if he is absolutely certain Iraq has WMDs and his answer is "Mr. President it is a slam dunk", when Colin Powell spends 4 days and 4 nights going over intelligence reports for his UN speech, when every Democrat in Congress comes to the same conclusion using the same intelligence reports, HOW can anyone who is not a radical left wing ideologue say that he lied? Did Bush fly over there without anyone knowing, take a look around for himself, find nothing, and then come home and lie about it? Because that's the only way you can make a case for him lying.
I know that he was told by several people (his inner circle) that these reports were wrong, old, flawed intelligence and that he was off the mark on Iraq. He manipulated the facts to paint a flawed picture because that is what he wanted to believe. Richard Clarke, Paul Oneil (treasury secretary not Yankee!) amd Joseph Wilson. There were too many people telling him he was wrong to ignore.

If you read the books written by these men plus Bob Woodward's book you will come away with a different point of view. If Bush had spent that time and money on making us energy independent .... we would have been much better off. He was a failed President. Republicans don't increase government and increase spending. That's what he did.

I am not a fan of George W.
Steve, I can't consider trying to penetrate logic into the minds of emotionally stunted conservatives arguing. You can write all you want, I know what is reality and what is fiction and once you openly support a political party of religious zealots who believe they are taking orders from an imaginary sky daddy you are as certifiable as they are and need professional help. I honestly don't know where to begin what's wrong with conservatism in this day and age, the racism, bigotry, misogyny, denial of basic scientific facts, medical science and math just to begin. All the fake outrage and projection that I'm a big meany from you and Stu is pathethic and makes me feel like I'm back in the schoolyard, you might both be grown men but emotionally stuck and stagnant in your archaic views. If its any conciliation I think conservative woman are far worse then the men, they have the highest degree of pathological self hatred I have ever witnessed. I support leaders who think my gender is essential and important for more then being a broodmare or servant and in some twisted way you think that qualifies me as out of my mind. If that's true I'm in the great company of millions of exceptional people who care about their country and their personal rights outside of inanimate killing machines and re-elected a magnificent man for president. President Obama is more then a website, he's one of the most amazing humans to walk this earth and I feel pity on those hearts are so filled with blind hate they can't see it like you and Stu. You can't discredit me, I'm on the right side of history.
Barry feels that he is not accountable to ANYONE!! He feels that he is above the law. He ACTS as if he is above the law.
Steve, what are you on? Seriously, what are you taking to be so delusional? I hope you are under the influence of something to make such outrageous claims and it's not your natural state of beinb this way and you can come back to reality after rehab.
Even the LA Times seems to be turning sour on Obamacare. Sure, they highlight benefits but the tone of the article is downright dour.


Do you think the socialist system of patient dumping and then shift cost to unsuspecting
Even the LA Times seems to be turning sour on Obamacare. Sure, they highlight benefits but the tone of the article is downright dour.

Do you think the socialist system we have been under for three decades of ER patient dumping and then shift cost to unsuspecting insured as fair or sustainable? I cannot forget your completely unacceptable explanation that Reagancare is the equivalent to public service workers. It's not even close, public service (police, firefighters) is a social contract we are all aware of and accept, mandating a private industry and expecting then to collect the costs by sneakily shifting it in the minority insured is not a social contract. With public service the many pay for the few to protect and serve and it's completely funded and sustainable, the EMTALA aka Reagancare is outright socialism and not a social contract, it's the mandate of s private industry by penalty of a 50K fine if they don't care for free except they need to collect their losses from somewhere and that's why we have the most expensive healthcare in western society. It's unfunded and caused the healthcare prices to be unreasonable to the average citizen. There would be no need for the AHCA if Reagan didn't sign the unfunded EMTALA in 86'. The AMA judges the cost of procedures based on the medical system as a whole and if a major source of care is being cost shifting onto the few responsible it's affects the costs throughout the whole industry. Three decades of unpaid ER bills is causing the whole system to implode, if you don't like the AHCA and want it repealed then I expect you to petetion for the real socialist law EMTALA to be repealed as well. It's not right the law get a excused because the demigod Reagan signed it into law.

Now conservatives are defending junk insurance policies that are forbidden to rip people off anymore thanks to new regulations that protect the paitents. The stupidity they display is beyond reason.
Do you think the socialist system we have been under for three decades of ER patient dumping ...public service (police, firefighters) is a social contract we are all aware of and accept,
Since when does the left have a problem with a socialist cause?

Don't we have the ACA because the left thinks that healthcare is a right and if you can't afford it, America has a social contract with the poor to make sure they get it.

What's the big difererence between EMLATA and ACA? They are both cost-shifting.

And if you think the website is merely slow, I doubt you are still reading all those news sources you once claimed to do. Secretary Sebellius did a mea culpa before a Congress committee today and it wasn't about being "slow" that she apologized -- it was about being non-functional. If the website were doing its job, the administration would gladly be showing the number of people that had signed-up for insurance. All we still get is "we don't know how many have signed up". This isn't a slow website; this is a deficient website that cost millions and millions of dollars. As someone who is part of a team that produces websites, millions of dollars can produce one helluva robust website by a competent team of technologists and project managers.

Quotes from government sources and related on healthcare_dot_gov:

"There's no excuse for the problems" on the website, he [Obama] said. From http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...t-glitches-health-and-human-services/3142759/

“We didn’t have enough testing, specifically for high volumes, for a very complicated project. We had two years and almost no testing,” Sebelius told The Wall Street Journal on Oct. 18. From http://www.politico.com/gallery/2013/10/10-sebelius-quotes-about-obamacare-site/001382-019672.html

I am first to say, 'We wish it could have been a lot smoother from Day One.'” - Sebelius in Columbus, Ohio on Oct. 18. From http://www.politico.com/gallery/2013/10/10-sebelius-quotes-about-obamacare-site/001382-019673.html

As I documented last week, IT and insurance experts have been saying for at least eight months that implementation of the exchanges was going badly, that as early as February officials were warning of a “third world experience.” The Times’ sources are just as blunt. “These are not glitches,” said one insurance executive. “The extent of the problems is pretty enormous. At the end of our [conference calls with the administration], people say, ‘It’s awful, just awful.’” From http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapot...snt-want-you-to-know-health-plans-true-costs/

"...they are legitimate qualms unlike bitching about a slow website." -- FairEmily, Post #17 in this thread.

One of the above quotes is not like the others.

Bad actions on the part of Republicans do not excuse bad actions by others.

If you would like to produce any opinion, other than your own, that the problems with healthcare_dot_gov are no different than, say, CNN loading slowly, please do.... but I think you are going down the road of Baghdad Bob; you have already gone way past Jay Carney.
Steve, lack of healthcare affects is all and I'm going to give you one simple example why, contagious diseases are not at all particular of what body they occupy. Do you really want that person carrying a micro bacterial infection who couldn't afford antibiotics standing behind you at the supermarket or making the food you are consuming? This is basic common sense, we are all susceptible to illness so healthcare should be a right. Deadly parasites, bacteria, fungus don't care about the political affiliations of the body they invade and that goes the same for autoimmune, cancer, broken bones. Our bodies are fragile and we all get sick, this is an indisputable fact.
That will surely give somebody indigestion.
I'm sure everyone would prefer a little indigestion then Kuru Disease. Soylent Green is a conservative utopia, human beings overpopulated to be valued equally to a piece of furniture, homicide only is a crime if it's committed on a wealthy person, cannibalism in the form of a flavorless green wafer, pollution and smog, no Winter, police state but unlike the important film heartless conservatives would never allow humane euthanasia, they are too cruel to show an ounce of humanity outside of fetuses of course.
These BS stories about the AHCA are ridiculous. People will crappy policies complaining they will have to choose more comprehensive less expensive policies. This is like watching a bunch of idiots complaining about giving up VHS tapes for DVD's, it would be laughable if it weren't so pitiful. My favorite conservative hypocrisy is they are so anti-choice but are bitching about having maternity coverage included in these new afforable plans, they need to stop claiming about how much they care for unborn immediately. I've never seen so many fools complaining about getting a better service for less money, the Republican party has reached a whole new level of lunacy. I hope they never stop and with Cruz eating his own it just is more entertaining by the day.