TS Chinese Kitty - FLAKE- UWS - 929-426-1575

Saw the ad on a local site and she looked totally my type.

Half Columbian / Half Japanese - big booty, big bolt on boobs totally
passable. Basically a hot Asian with a big Latina Ass.

Too good to be true - and it was.

I set the initial details by text. I was near WTC and the A train was
not running due to maintenance. I clearly said it would be about a 60 min
ride to the UWS and she was OK with that.

So I finally get up to 177 and Broadway - and text that I am close and it is a total
ghosting. I am used to it on Bumble but sucks after riding the subway all the way up.

I sent out a few more texts and then headed back to NJ.

I chalked it up to sheer numbers- to find the diamond in the rough you have to
through a lot of rough.