To SlinkyBender


I have one, two-pronged question:
Was TankCommander banned from UtopiaGuide, and if he was can you please tell what he did that brought this about?

This is a sincere question with no ulterior motives. I'd just like to know if/why and will post no response to any answer I get.



"Living in the moment" is an interesting concept to me. Back in the sixties it was all the rage, but how many people besides a few Yoga masters really mastered that technique. How many times during the day can we honestly say that we are totally in the moment? I cant think of anytime that some other time or thought doesnt creep in to my awareness. Oh, there is one time in which nothing else seems to exist except it, right at the crest of an orgasm.
take care, be here now.
'In the Moment'

Hey Hotpuppy,

If you're truly interested in this concept and being able to make it a part of your life, I suggest you take a good look at the Zen philosophy. It's really amazing stuff (as loathe as I am to call such brilliance 'stuff'. lol)



Thanks MJC,

Easterners devote there entire lives to the study of Zen, and still struggle with living in the moment- and they are cloistered in mountain monasteries. Just dont think it is possible in our society to take up Zen as an avocation or a hobby( just what I need, another hobby :) ) Of course it cant hurt to meditate, do some Yoga, anything to relieve the stresses.
take care HP