Tinnitus... uuurrggghhhhhh

I have had tinnitus for over 25 years.... bad bike accident and head njuries.. facial fractures temporal bones fractured..total loss of hearing.. i have a cochlear implant to hep me hear...
have had bad T since then and let me tell ya.. if theres one thing the government needs to spend more money on is finding a cute for tinnitus.. it has really disrupted my life pretty bad.. and just asking people what they have tried or done to relieve it.......

i have tried multi-vitamins.. minerals.. sleep aids...xanax ( it knocked me for a loop) clonazepam just about everything known to help tinnitus and reduce the noises in my head... i eat low salt diet and avoid caffeine... i work out maybe 2-3 times a week relieves the built up stress and takes the noises off my mind....

place to go to for info is www.ata.org

any responses most welcome..
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Yeah, it's a bitch, isn't it? I've had it for close to 22 years.

If you're having trouble sleeping, turn a radio on to a soft music station. Keep the sound only high enough to drown out the humming. It will take a couple of nights to get used to this.

But you should be able to get to sleep. I'd try to stay away from sleep-aids. You don't want to compound your problems.

Yeah, it's a bitch, isn't it? I've had it for close to 22 years.

If you're having trouble sleeping, turn a radio on to a soft music station. Keep the sound only high enough to drown out the humming. It will take a couple of nights to get used to this.

But you should be able to get to sleep. I'd try to stay away from sleep-aids. You don't want to compound your problems.

What about a white noise machine or is that the same kind of humming. I love white noise (my air purifier has the same effects as the noise machine) and I can't sleep without it now but it's not for everyone.

Since I had Bell's Palsy I have problems with my right ear now from ringing, sensitivity to certain noises, dull ache and chronic migraines when I am stressed and when my immune system is low.
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my ears ring constantly and i think it's getting worse as i get older. siiiiigggggghhhhh. it really sucks but i'm pretty much used to it, except for when it's really, really quiet. then it sounds like a fucking air raid siren. lol. sorry i have no good info for you, i just took to the opportunity to bitch and moan a little.

Yeah, it's a bitch, isn't it? I've had it for close to 22 years.

If you're having trouble sleeping, turn a radio on to a soft music station. Keep the sound only high enough to drown out the humming. It will take a couple of nights to get used to this.

But you should be able to get to sleep. I'd try to stay away from sleep-aids. You don't want to compound your problems.
lamont: yeah i hear ya.. but at times i'm wide awake at 2AM and gotta get some sleep.. ya know...i currently use the Dynamic Tinnitus Mitigation System. it's actually 6 cd's with different sounds to help mask the T. The guy is an audio engineer and actually developed this because he developed tinnitus from something. Like i said b4 it helps but sometimes it seems it makes it worse after a couple of hours after i stop using the cd or cd's. i don't have it at a loud volume at all. I pray for a cure everyday. The doc told me to try to ignore it as best you can. Well, "its not easy doc....." website is www.tinnitushelp.com if anyone wants the info.
i just

realized that the website address is not the right one... sorry about that. Just type in google or other search engine the 'dynamic tinnitus mitigation system' and see what happens.

Yeah, it's a bitch, isn't it? I've had it for close to 22 years.

If you're having trouble sleeping, turn a radio on to a soft music station. Keep the sound only high enough to drown out the humming. It will take a couple of nights to get used to this.

But you should be able to get to sleep. I'd try to stay away from sleep-aids. You don't want to compound your problems.
I've heard that you set the radio to a place where there isn’t a station (AM band) and set the volume at a level that offsets the Tinnitus. Also - no caffeine and no alcohol. Buddy of mine (doesn’t know I hobby) has had it for past couple of months, went to an E,N&T guy. He told him the "no caffeine and no alcohol", take some OTC supplements (zinc, magnesium, calcium and lots of niacin) and more or less "get used to it" as there isnt much else to be done.
I've heard that you set the radio to a place where there isn’t a station (AM band) and set the volume at a level that offsets the Tinnitus. Also - no caffeine and no alcohol. Buddy of mine (doesn’t know I hobby) has had it for past couple of months, went to an E,N&T guy. He told him the "no caffeine and no alcohol", take some OTC supplements (zinc, magnesium, calcium and lots of niacin) and more or less "get used to it" as there isnt much else to be done.
I do take supplements.. such as you mention but niacin produces flushing effect...magnesium I have taken to help me relax in the evening. It's supposed to help make you drowsy a bit. I don't take anything with caffeine. I know that long time ago. alcohol.. well it seems back in my drinking days when i got sloshed,the next morning it was almost completely quiet. the noises I could hardly notice them. I told my doc and he said well you'll wind up an alcoholic if you drink to quiet the sounds. I was desperate and well you gotta do what you gotta do. It was insanity hearing noises constantly in my head. Its there now as I said.. but some days are bad and some are mild and some are medium.. i try to ignore them as much as possible. They are working on drugs and other things to find a cure. Or at least get permanent relief.
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I just noticed this thread...

There's no cure for it. They're not even sure about what causes it. In some cases, the source of the 'noise' may not be in the ear, but in the brain. In extreme cases they've gone in and destroyed the cochlea and replaced it with an electrical implant and the noise was still there because it wasnt coming from the ear!

Caffeine, alcohol, and salt intake can make it worse. I've heard of people taking over-the-counter sleep aids like Melatonex or blood pressure meds like beta-blockers to help, but results are mixed.

Noise cancellation, like the Bose headphones people wear on airplanes, or noise masking (turning on a radio or a sleep machine) might be worth a try.
..... Also - no caffeine and no alcohol. Buddy of mine ... has had it for past couple of months, went to an E,N&T guy. He told him the "no caffeine and no alcohol",
I have the opposite experience with alcohol. 375ml of Vodka give me heavenly silence for the next 10 to 12 hours. Or a bottle and a half of wine. I kid you not. Works with complete consistency! My condition is caused by TMJ that has not responded to any treatment, so this may not be applicable to you.
I have the opposite experience with alcohol. 375ml of Vodka give me heavenly silence for the next 10 to 12 hours. Or a bottle and a half of wine. I kid you not. Works with complete consistency! My condition is caused by TMJ that has not responded to any treatment, so this may not be applicable to you.
what equivalent in ounces? just curious.
I just noticed this thread...

There's no cure for it. They're not even sure about what causes it. In some cases, the source of the 'noise' may not be in the ear, but in the brain. In extreme cases they've gone in and destroyed the cochlea and replaced it with an electrical implant and the noise was still there because it wasnt coming from the ear!

Caffeine, alcohol, and salt intake can make it worse. I've heard of people taking over-the-counter sleep aids like Melatonex or blood pressure meds like beta-blockers to help, but results are mixed.

Noise cancellation, like the Bose headphones people wear on airplanes, or noise masking (turning on a radio or a sleep machine) might be worth a try.
read my first post... i have a cochlear implant for 18 years! helps me hear does nothing to help tinnitus.
Well, I never knew tinnitus was this common! I think AXE, you are correct that it might come from the brain, although my neurologist never commited to saying that for a fact.
I have MS, and always just assumed the tinnitus was a syptom. I always wished I could get ahold of one of those hearing test machines with the headphones that they used to use in gradeschool, the ones that would output different frequencies so I could match the one in my head with one in the headphones, and then put them on those who think I'm nuts and say "how do YOU like it"?!