The Welfare Office

A young man with his pants hanging half off his ass, two gold front teeth and a half inch thick gold chain around his neck, walked into the local welfare office to pick up his check.

He marched up to the counter and said, "Hi. You know, I just HATE drawing welfare. I would really rather have a job.”

“I don't like taking advantage of the system, getting something for nothing."

The social worker behind the counter said "Your timing is excellent.”

“We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants a chauffeur and bodyguard for his beautiful daughter.”

“You will have to drive around in his 2016 Mercedes-Benz CL and he will supply all of your clothes."

"Because of the long hours, meals will be provided.”

“You will also be expected to escort the daughter on her overseas holiday trips.”

“This is rather awkward, but you will also have to satisfy her sexual urges as the daughter is in her 20's and has a strong sex drive.”

The guy, wide-eyed, said, "You're bullshitting me???"

The social worker said, "Yeah, well . . . you started it."
A young man with his pants hanging half off his ass, two gold front teeth and a half inch thick gold chain around his neck, walked into the local welfare office to pick up his check......."
You obviously must be a racist as the only guys I have seen that fit the (racial) profile you present are ghetto guys. I mean just because a guy has "his pants hanging half off his ass, two gold front teeth and a half inch thick gold chain around his neck" doesn't mean he can't hold a job on wall street or in the hight tech firms if just given a chance-the only explanation I can come up with is the guys in HR that won't hire him are obviously racist.

Bernie Sanders will put a stop to this unfair, racist thinking - so all you guys (oh my, another sexist comment - I should have said guys/hard working exploited women) who made their wealth by working 60 hour weeks for many years should just straighten out and give this guy a break buy accepting the reasonable progressive changes to the tax code to transfer shift your wealth to guys like this.

For all you guys who have any doubt as to Genius's political leanings (although totally embarrassed by the idiotical cast of characters in the race) - genius is not a registered democrat.
If the guys in the strip joint had any brains they would have offered a free lap dance and/or drugs for each piece of outrageously priced food bought from them using food stamps.

Hmmm... I smell a business plan!
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LOL. Your post wasn't one of those I had a problem with. My comment was about the posts I deleted. My post now appears under yours because of the deletions.
I think you also deleted one of my recent ones that was somewhat political about various administration's role in the welfare system.