The Ten Commandments

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
This is a board dedicated to the discussion of topics relating to escorts and the commercial sex industry and is a mixed board, representing both the client and provider constituencies. The board is intended to be a balanced forum for discussion and interaction, where opinions of all parties are respected, but flaming and direct attacks on others is strongly discouraged. As such, and with the help of a few members, I have tried to compile a list of do's and don'ts:

1) Thou shalt not post with a hidden agenda, nor knowingly post false information. Thou shalt not make assertions or accusations without stating their basis. Though shalt use no racial or ethnic slurs, nor engage in the discussion of pedophilia of any sort.

2) Thou shalt not engage in flame wars or attempt to defame any legitimate contributor to this board. Thou shalt be fair and play nice, even if others don't. Though shalt remember that you are talking to real people. ( Sometimes the Internet depersonalizes our communications to the point that we become careless about how we speak. Ask yourself this question: "would I say this in a room full of people, many of whom I don't know?")

3) Thou shalt think, before you post, whether your post contributes to a discussion or just would waste the time of anyone who reads it (such as saying how hot a provider is every time she tries to make a substantive contribution to a discussion). Especially when posting on a sensitive issue, write a draft, save it, do something else for a while, then re-read your message and make changes if necessary, then post. Put yourself in the other person's place. Sometimes it is too easy to act without fully considering the consequences of our actions.

4) Thou shalt not attack someone simply for disagreeing with you. Thou shalt not try to cut off opinions that differ from yours, or have like-minded people pile onto someone who states a differing opinion. If a customer, thou shalt not post to "protect" favored providers.

5) Thou shalt not refrain from posting an opinion just because you're afraid it may be unpopular. If you are in doubt about something you are considering posting, ask the APM about it via email.

6) Thou shalt refrain from overuse of "insider comments" and "private winks and nods". Always consider how your post/thread will be viewed by those who have recently joined us. Assuming a deep knowledge of the hobby and/or the community and/or this or any other board will make one's posts appear nonsensical to newbies. Perhaps posts will be completely misunderstood. It might take a few extra minutes, but try and fill in the blanks for those less "in the know".

7) Thou shalt try to be positive. There is an awful lot of fun to be had out there and this forum can help the effort. Do a self-check on your own posts to see if you might be in a rut. If so, perhaps taking a break from posting is the right thing to do.

8) Thou shalt not engage in any provider advertising or Sub Rosa promotion of the supply side, other than in the advertising/classified section,

9) Though shall not take anything too seriously. Remember, these are just words, and this is just a "Hobby Board".

10) Thou shalt remember that the board is only as good as you make it, or as bad as you make it. The members get all the credit for making this a worthwhile place to visit. Of course, there is a responsibility which comes with that, and it is also the members which can make it a place that no one wants to come

2) Thou shalt not engage in flame wars or attempt to defame any legitimate contributor to this board.

Take out the word legitimate. Who is to say who is a legitimate contributer. You don't want to put the stamp of approval on defaming someone who someone else feels is an illegitimate contributors. No one should be subject to being defamed. There are other ways of dealing with such a person. Say reporting to the APM someone who a regular contributor has a reasonable basis for beleiveing is illegitmate.

3) Thou shalt think, before you post, whether your post contributes to a discussion or just would waste the time of anyone who reads it.

Many poeple, you and me included, post to be (or try to be) witty and funny when such postings often wouldn't pass a "contibution" test. Who is to say what wastes whose time. Yes, it should be somewhat related to the subject of the responded to post, but its main rule should be that it is not venal or cruel.


One out of three
good job o venerated one. in light of recent events may I propose a preamble that may be useful in devining the intent of the 10C's,when interpretation is necessary:

Thou shalt not taketh too seriousth anything written on a commercial sexth board.

(so I have have a lisp;so did Sylvester)

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
Did anyone read this ????? I really didn't mean it as a "joke post".

PS As an addendum, please try to cut down a bit on the "hello there cutie" posts every single time anyone with a vagina posts to the board. Aside from being an incredible waste of bandwidth, it makes it hareder and harder to read the threads for any meaning.

I thought I gave you a considered non-joking response.

But you are right - it does seem as if nothing as changed.

Perhaps the site should require that you check off that you have read the commandments before you can be officially registered. Not that people wouldn't just check the box and not read them anyway. (much like software registrations).


Originally posted by slinkybender
Did anyone read this ????? I really didn't mean it as a "joke post".

PS As an addendum, please try to cut down a bit on the "hello there cutie" posts every single time anyone with a vagina posts to the board. Aside from being an incredible waste of bandwidth, it makes it hareder and harder to read the threads for any meaning.
FWIW, I have to second this. It has always been my contention that the adoration that any member feels for a particular escort could better be served by a private email and perhaps a floral arrangement :). Seriously, if anyone can explain how these "kissy face", "wink,wink" posts add anything positive to the mix I would be more than glad to hear it( and in so doing perhaps change my opinion). As usual, no offense intended, anyone.
take care HP
hey Slinky!

Originally posted by slinkybender
The Ten Commandments ...., I have tried to compile a list of do's and don'ts:.....

Hey Slinky... this is the best I've seen it summed up anywhere! Mind if I quote you? ! :)


P.S.Can you please change my member title to "Thread Killing bastard?"
Thanks! LoL!

[Edited by Roberta of Houston on 08-01-2001 at 12:46 PM]
I think it would be a good thing if the "Ten Commandments" were posted in a conspicuous spot, where no one can complain they weren't aware of UG's policies. I seem to recall that TBD listed his rules just above the thread headers in each forum. Not a bad idea.

Ok what if we all had to "AGREE" to the Ten Commandments every time we logged onto UG. This would ensure we would be reminded and hopefully post accordingly.

Please send all complaints to the itsonlyajokesocoolyourjets@wtfdic.cum

Peace Out