The Spot

Went to The Spot this week. Almost all the women stood pat on $20 dances. At one point, most of the women were watching television instead of working.

Economics 101 anyone?
Originally posted by Duckman
Went to The Spot this week. Almost all the women stood pat on $20 dances. At one point, most of the women were watching television instead of working.

Economics 101 anyone?
And the funny thing is, the same girls who refuse firmly anything less than $20 at the Spot , will gladly take $10 at the occassional parties that are happening . These parties have 50+ ladies working at one time, so I guess they figure they gotta beat the competition price-wise .

But at the Spot, wouldn't it make more economic sense to charge less, since (lately, at least) I've noticed the place kinda sparse attendence-wise
just my observation butit seems to me that alot of girls feel like a cheap whore if they come down in price but if they get their asking price they feel POWER and not as dirty!
Originally posted by jersey
just my observation butit seems to me that alot of girls feel like a cheap whore if they come down in price but if they get their asking price they feel POWER and not as dirty!
I go (used to go) to the Spot __looking__ for cheap whores! That was the whole point.
Originally posted by Duckman
Went to The Spot this week. Almost all the women stood pat on $20 dances. At one point, most of the women were watching television instead of working.

Economics 101 anyone?
I stand pat at $10. Some take it, some don't. Most girls that I have VIP'd with in the past gladly take the $10, I guess in the hopes that I will VIP with them again. If not, I take my $10 bill and put it back in my pocket. Exceptions are very rare, when little TC overrules big TC.