The perils of NP4P

OK I'll add an innocuous post.

I responded to an ad on CL Casual Encounters written by a married lady looking for side action. My gut told me it was a real ad so I replied, no picture was requested. She responded back and we began dialogue. She sent me her picture and I was smitten. A real cutey and the pic was obviously real.

We arranged to meet for lunch on a weekday and she sent me her digits. Now, for those that may have paid attention to my modus operandi, I do not have affairs. I used to but no longer do. And when I did, it was only with married women.

So on the morning of the scheduled meet I'm sitting there and said to myself "What the fuck are you doing?" Did I really want to do this and start something. Her picture was very enticing and I was motivated but I realized that I didn't want to get into this shit again. I'm not into the drama (cuz no matter what,the drama will arrive). So I sent her an email letting her know that I'm backing off.

So I guess this is my anti NP4P moment.
OK I'll add an innocuous post.

I responded to an ad on CL Casual Encounters written by a married lady looking for side action. My gut told me it was a real ad so I replied, no picture was requested. She responded back and we began dialogue. She sent me her picture and I was smitten. A real cutey and the pic was obviously real.

We arranged to meet for lunch on a weekday and she sent me her digits. Now, for those that may have paid attention to my modus operandi, I do not have affairs. I used to but no longer do. And when I did, it was only with married women.

So on the morning of the scheduled meet I'm sitting there and said to myself "What the fuck are you doing?" Did I really want to do this and start something. Her picture was very enticing and I was motivated but I realized that I didn't want to get into this shit again. I'm not into the drama (cuz no matter what,the drama will arrive). So I sent her an email letting her know that I'm backing off.

So I guess this is my anti NP4P moment.
Ruff, you are a better man than me. Although, I often say that I will not do this np4p anymore, I just can't help it sometimes. Why, as you know ruff, you probably arte like most where you went that far because you wanted to see if you still can or like a challenge. At the end, you came to your senses and stopped. Now the only difference with me is that I take it to the end and go with it and then unfortunately deal with the good and bad drama. I am, though, a lot more carefull with who I start these things with.
RuffToy said:
... We arranged to meet for lunch ... on the morning of the ... meet I ... said to myself "What the fuck are you doing?" ... So I sent her an email letting her know that I'm backing off. ...
If I wrote a post every time I decided NOT to fuck someone, I'd have more posts than justlooking and BMM combined.
If I wrote a post every time I decided NOT to fuck someone, I'd have more posts than justlooking and BMM combined.
More posts mean nothing. It is the quality of posts that matters. Not that is a bad thing to have as many posts of justlooking and BMM combined. But combine their quality too and I'll toss that Shakespeare out of the window.
We all know that there really is no such thing as NP4P.

Sometimes we remember and sometimes we dont.
There are a few occasions in my life where pussy didn't cost me a thing, mostly back in my college days when I didn't have any money anyway.

Now, unfortunately you're right. It winds up costing one way or another.
Being single, there isn't really any danger in NP4P for me beyond the risks we all take when deciding to fuck a woman. The only exception is when she's someone I work with.

I've made some questionable decisions in my past with regards to having sex with co-workers but always had luck on my side. Hell, the job I had a couple of years ago was stocked with latinas and was my sole dating pool for a while. This one girl I dated briefly said something to my boss because I insulted her in front of her co-workers when we broke up (I was pretty immature at the time). He was pretty cool about it, just took me aside and gave me a heads up that she complained about what I said. All he did was ask me to make sure not to get into it with her at work. It could have been a lot worse.

Now, I'm at a point in my life where I'm starting to take the risks a bit more seriously. I guess the economy being what it is, that and being a bit older and hopefully wiser, I'm starting to appreciate the value of not risking my job for pussy.
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You can't say anything at work to a woman. Even, "you have a nice shirt or dress on "can bring HR down on you. Especially any jokes. The safest thing to say to a woman is "Nice shoes".
I'm clear on the rules regarding my behavior at work. My problem is that at my last serious job I didn't have to follow them all that carefully. Hell, the boss was worse than me at times and I think latinas in general are more accepting of certain behavior from men. Now, I'm in a different environment so I am playing it very safe.
Latinas will take things like this very lightly. Yet again you don't have to be too specific at the work environment with them. You can leave the true game of words and action for the outside.
That's true, they expect that sort of behavior from men so unless you're over the top, it's not usually a problem, and like Marc said you can be pretty subtle and still get your point across. Latinas at work have a pretty good idea why the gringo is talking to them, but that knife cuts both ways. If they're interested it works out easily enough, but if they're not, those shoulders sure can be cold, especially the ones in their late teens/early 20's who haven't yet learned that their shit does in fact stink.
What do you do about a gal whose pressed up against you in a crowded bar with her hand secretly sneaking around when your wife is a few bar stools away? Oh, and let me add, she is friendly with my wife.

Just when I wanna get out....they pull me back in. I must be strong. I must resist. I must be outta my fucking mind.
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What do you do about a gal whose pressed up against you in a crowded bar with her hand secretly sneaking around when your wife is a few bar stools away? Oh, and let me add, she is friendly with my wife.

Just when I wanna get out....they pull me back in. I must be strong. I must resist. I must be outta my fucking mind.
I usually ask them if they want to go to the mens room with me.