Show Me The Money....

Strippers meets Deal or No Deal.

Fucking Shatner is brilliant. A bunch of hot chicks dancing with stripper polls and giving away money. The hit show of the season.
Loved how the gay guy got the big bucks and the AF Pilot missed out.. though he looked pretty happy to be surrounded by the beaver at the end...can we say contrived?
They called it a sneak preview last night and slotted it right after TV's top rated Dancing with the Stars. It's a really bad show.. the premise sucks for one cause you have a game where they award you money and take away for right or wrong answers. So in the case of the gay guy he won a quick 800 grand by picking 220,000, 250,000 and 130,000 and then the crowd was rooting against big numbers cause for every wrong answer they deduct the new amount you pick... but the game doesn't end until you get 5 or 6 right or wrong answers. And then you can pass on questions you can't answer..... Like I said... it's a horrible premise but who the fuck cares.

Shatner poking fun at the fag by telling him he probably wasn't interested in the sexy girls but continued to ask them to dance anyway was worth putting up with an hour of a horrible TV gameshow. Anyone but Kirk and the show never see's light of day.
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