Sex Slaves in Israel

This just makes me fucking ill.

Report decries Israel in sex slavery

Dec. 8, 2002 | JERUSALEM (AP) -- About 3,000 women, mainly from the former Soviet Union, are sold each year into Israel's sex industry, which takes in about $1 billion annually, a parliamentary report said Sunday, slamming the country's justice system for being lax on punishments.

The women, seeking to escape poverty at home, are usually smuggled in by traffickers who promise them legitimate jobs. Once in Israel, they are sold to pimps for between $3,000 and $6,000 each, the preliminary report said.

The women receive between $25-$30 per customer, of which the pimp takes between 80 and 90 percent, the report said. The women work about 12 hours a day, six or seven days a week and receive an average of 10 to 15 clients daily, it added. Often, the women live in dismal conditions and sometimes they are physically abused or live in fear of their pimps.

Israeli courts generally reach a plea bargain with the pimps and sentence them to either a few months of community service or up to an average of two years in prison, punishments which the committee said are too weak to serve as deterrents.

It suggested that these crimes should have minimum prison sentences to deter the sex traders, who often jail, blackmail and enslave the women.

In July 2001, a U.S. State Department report placed Israel on a black list of countries whose laws don't meet U.S. criteria for dealing with this crime and threatened economic sanctions.

Israel has reformed the law somewhat since then, but the committee said it is not enough to confront the problem effectively.

In addition to changes in the law, the committee suggested an authority be formed to fight the “war against trafficking in people.”
I believe this is just as great a problem in the US. Do you think the women who are delivered to an AMP or a topless club in a van are living the American dream?
Sex Slaves

Celtic Knight, I believe that there is a problem in the United States. However, understand that new laws or strict law enforcement is not the way to go. I dated a Russian woman who lived in Brooklyn for a while. She worked as a techie for a firm which payed white collar slave wages. She had an advanced engineering degree but could get nothing in her field. So it is tough for newbies. I also know a stripper. Russian, who workes the dives of New Jersey and makes excellent money. She has her teenage son in a good military school in CT. She comes and goes by van with a bunch of other dancers. She gives sneak HRs in the lapdance area and hustles drinks. She makes more money dancing than she could doing anything esle. That is why she made this choice. The engineer wont do this and makes a lot less. Understand, sex slavery is horrible...but a lot of women make this CHOICE because of the income potential. Look at it for what it is.


The Rifleman
The bigger problem is these women are told about the american dream but was not told that if you don't speak english or have a good skill you won't be able to have this dream. The US should also try and help these people learn a skill and english so there don't have to do this work if there don't want to. Remember in this country we all have choices.
I agree. I think that what this country needs is to have everybody come over here from every fuckin broken down piece of shit country and get on some social program that paid for with my hard earned tax dollars.

My taxes arent high enough yet. Please......let there be more social programs for the down trodden foreigners. Please, let them enroll in ESL courses for free. Let them be taught job skills and have placement services for free. Please make it so that the women born here are forced to suck dog's cocks for a living because their taxes will get raised yet again to fund the aforementioned programs
This alrady is so common here. Every time you go in one of those $50-for-10-min-1-pop Mexican places, what do you think is going on?

Same goes for many of the Asian and russian places.

Hell even with the American girls - a girl who is pimped and lives in fear of that pimp violating her is a sex slave.

None of this is anything new in low end sex.....


Thinks he's Caesar's Wife
Originally posted by SINATRA
I agree. I think that what this country needs is to have everybody come over here from every fuckin broken down piece of shit country and get on some social program that paid for with my hard earned tax dollars.

My taxes arent high enough yet. Please......let there be more social programs for the down trodden foreigners. Please, let them enroll in ESL courses for free. Let them be taught job skills and have placement services for free. Please make it so that the women born here are forced to suck dog's cocks for a living because their taxes will get raised yet again to fund the aforementioned programs
I agree with SINATRA on this one. That sounds like a program that would get any politician elected.


homo economicus
Originally posted by celtic knight
I believe this is just as great a problem in the US. Do you think the women who are delivered to an AMP or a topless club in a van are living the American dream?
Having had extensive cpnversations with AMP workers, I know that in the case of the women that work where I go, there is no issue of slavery. While they aren't really free to leave the confines of their work environmnet while they are working, they are generally free to go home at any time. Moreover, I have yet to talk to one woman who was fooled or misled as to the type of work she'd be doing.

Generally, the women that work at amps are recruited by friends that worked before. They travel to the United States on travel, work, or perhaps no visa at all. They typically rent an apartment while in the United States, often in a different city from their working town (L.A, San Francisco, and other cities with large Asian populations are commonly used). They then are transported to the amp where they'll work from 3 to 6 months. They return home with tens of thousands of dollars (for very obvious reasons, I have never been given a straight answer to this particular question), which goes very far in their home countries. Some return to work again. Most don't.

I am not arguing that such slavery doesn't occur, or even that it doesn't in the United States. But I think it's irresponsible (and ultimately counterproductive to the fight against such slavery) to automatically assume that an institution is practicing these evil behaviors.

I've met many Brazilian go-go dancers who will dance in clubs and turn tricks on the side. The money they make will support there entire families in the home country and allow them to live a nice life style here in the states. No one holds a gun to their heads. They made a choice. I also knew a Korean woman who worked in a massage and sex work was the worked she choice and because of her age and looks an AMP was best for her. As Americans we are the worst hypocrittes. Sex appeal is used to pitch everything from cars to presidential elections. There is no reason why prostitution should be illegal in this country. Slavery does exist in this country...but if you take the sex out of it you can fight it on it's most basic level - the weak being exploited by the strong. As far as anger goes for government programs to help immigrents or the poor, I would say that every social program granted by the U.S. government is a drop in the bucket as opposed to were the real waste of tax payers dollars goes.
Originally posted by justbill_redux

In July 2001, a U.S. State Department report placed Israel on a black list of countries whose laws don't meet U.S. criteria for dealing with this crime and threatened economic sanctions .
