SCAM on BackPage "Blake" 917-436-3086

<A href="http://newyork.************/FemaleEscorts/blode-looking-for-that-gentleman-for-quality-time-together-25/39988855">Link to her Backpage</a>

Called the number on the add, a larger guy showed up and claimed he was her escort and that he was scoping out the johns and he would collect the money, she would then come up when he came down with the money. Naturally we declined but after some convincing, my friend gave up the money. The large white guy disappeared into the night. (when i say large, i dont necessarily mean fat... he was alittle chunky, but tall maybe about 6'3, but a big guy...)

On further attempts to call we were "call ended" on her end... (where it rings then goes to message...) We were far from looking like cops, or were doing anything that could have remotely been misconstrued as being "officials" of any kind.

PLEASE Make sure The word is passed on. Blake is a SCAM artist!