question for the ladies(gents may chime in also)

if you were married or had a serious relationship with a gentleman and assuming the two of you do not have an "open" relationship, how would you feel if you found out that he was secretly seeing providers without your knowledge?
I've never been the jealous type.Really.It makes no sense to aggravate your blood pressure knowing that it's just part of nature. He's going to do it anyway. We might as well be opened about it.
When you use or are part of this business, you look at things differently. How would you feel if your wife was seeing a provider in secret ?

Some say that seeing a provider is better then actually having a relationship with another woman. I think that is true. In most cases, your provider will not call your wife in the middle of the night....And that is what you are really paying for. Service and secrecy....

the point of the question is the issue of trust and betrayal. even in a open relationship there must be an element of trust. if i am married to mercy and i tell her that i am going out for the evening with popelcha...that is one thing. but if i tell mercy that i am going out to play poker with the boys and i inturn see popelcha instead...that is a whole different thing in my mind. that is what i was trying to get at with the question.
That changes everything. I hate lies. I prefer to hear the truth nomatter how much it may hurt. I can cry, scream maybe even throw things but, in a while I calm down and we deal with it. Now when people lie to their
SO,that changes things.

It destroys the trust we put into each other. There has to be some trust or else the relationship is doomed.