Private massage (7296)

For months now, had been curious about an ad that posts everyday in the NNJ CL erotic section. Phone # is 201-233-7296 and understands she advertises in the BR as well.

Anyway, advertises Paramus, Glen rock area and posts no pics (other than those of someones big boobs, but not her own), but brags of her 40 DD's. Took the plunge last week and easy to contact and she is in the downtown Hawthorne area and works out of the basement of I assume her house.

Very cramped, smelled of piss, and if you're over 6' tall, you will have to duck from hitting your head. Girl is latino, overweight and while not ugly, not that great looking (sorry, but forgot her name.) Table is set up in a back room and very small and room was ice cold. Got undressed and when she came into the room, she immediately started with the "massage" (and I use that term loosely). No small talk and one line answers when she responded. VERY mechanical and while she did tell me to "open up my legs if I wan't a sensual massage" no attention paid to the boys.

After what had to be 5-10 minutes she whispers in my ear "if you like, a HR is will be .8 topless and 1.20 nude. Well, as she did have a big rack, I went for the topless. They are enhanced but nice. HR was so mechanical and without any type of passion I had a real hard time getting the job done. She was getting pissed at one point, but finally got the job done. Cleaned me up with alcohol, no front massage or anything! Shows me to the door, total time was no more than 20 minutes.

This was the worse massage experience I ever had so I thought I'd share with other lurkers. While door fee was very reasonable (.4) a buck twenty for a 20 minute rub was a total rip off.

Will say it again, NNJ sucks as there just isn't anywhere to go to anymore.
Hello Everyone ..I'm new here and i wanted to share my experience with this sad woman..Like Freeagain I found the basement setting to be dirty , depressing and ice cold..The woman that greeted me was creepy looking and very large. Very uncommunicative..I laid on the table and she massaged (if you want to even call it that) me for 5 minutes after taking my 70 dollars and I felt grossed out.. She leaned over and coldly asked if I wanted her to take her top off for 50 bux..I replied no and she gave me a very mechanical hj during which I had to close my eyes because she looked like an offensive lineman for the ny giants with a wig on . I was in and out in 15 minutes. Definitely stay away from this ad
one of the worst

I was there several years ago. Similar experience as blindpilot and freeagain, but I did manage to get russian treatment. The overall experience sucked, and I've managed to stay away despite the ongoing temptation.

She's all over CL, and it's so damn convenient for me. I occasionally think maybe I should give it a try again in case there's someone new there. I guess not ...
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I saw this chick years ago when I was still green, I think before my days on UG (has she been around that long?). I didn't even realize this thread existed.

Freeagain's description of her apartment was perfect: small, dingy, and cramped (I dont remember if it smelled like piss though). I'm no giant but even I felt like I was going to hit my head on the ceiling. I also don't remember the specifics of the session, just that she had big tits but the overall session wasn't worth repeating.
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