Poll idea: For guys with mates, what makes you hobby?

I was considering starting a poll about what drives guys with mates to stray and would like to know what choices to include.

The choices would allow for multiple selections and would include two sections.
One for relationship status:
In a committed relationshhip
Casual dating

One for the reason for hobbying:
Don't want to be tied down
Have always been with multiple women
Need variety
Extreme sex drive
SO no longer attractive to me
SO got fat
SO looks old
SO not interested anymore
SO not interested often enough
SO has a boyfriend/girlfriend

Please add any choices that I overlooked that you feel would be valid. I will review them and finalize the poll within a week or when I see that this thread has moved down in the ranks.

Please do not engage in any discussions for the moment. This post is merely to gather info.When the poll is posted, then you can vote and discuss.

It's started out as fun. I Got my first good job. I Worked in Queens out of far Rockaway and it was like a candy store with some decent looking street walkers.

Years later I used it as a measure of vengence when I was married to my 2nd ex wife. I knew in the back of my mind that she was cheating. But I still loved the nasty bitch. And this was a way to even the score. While at the same time, there was no strings attached. Hopeful that thing would turn around.

Now it has become part of my monthly regimen. I'm married for the third time. And this ones a sweet heart. But it's more of an addiction then anything else. I really tried not to do it when I first met her. It lasted 10 months. But I eventually went back to habit.


Power Bottom
Why do I hobby? It for the same reason that's driven others throughout history who have made a difference from Christopher Columbus to Neil Armstrong to our heros in U.S. Navy Seals..

I'm looking for adventure.
Why do I hobby? It for the same reason that's driven others throughout history who have made a difference from Christopher Columbus to Neil Armstrong to our heros in U.S. Navy Seals..

I'm looking for adventure.
I will put this down as "Born to Be Wild"
Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Looking for adventure
In whatever comes our way
This is a long ass post too big to fit in one posting alone. Why so long? Because you asked: "What make you hobby" ? I hobbied for over 15 years and learned some damned good lessons from it. I only want to share my story. Maybe it resonates with someone, maybe it doesn't. I'm only "paying it forward" so to speak.
This post is not going to be a normal post. I warn you now. I know there aren’t many like the one you’re about to read. Either I’m so in the minority (doubtful) or no one else either knows how to say it, or wants to say it. I will, loud and proud and clear as a bell. For 15 years I’d been in the life. AMP’s, RMP’s, even outcall providers every time my wife went on a business trip. Here’s the thing (because I do realize everyone here does that same thing) – I’m married, with a son. I know, some of you are probably saying “Yeah, so what? I’m married with kid(s) too”.
In the beginning of our relationship my wife and I had a great sex life. She was tall and beautiful and everyone thought she was a model. But because I was screwed up in the head from being molested by my second grade teacher, and screwed up even more by my parents growing up, once my wife got pregnant with our son I could no longer have sex with her. Why? She was a mother, and you can’t possibly do such degrading things to a mother. I loved her with all my heart, but I couldn’t touch her. Not in that way. A lot of men who use providers say that their wives don’t want sex. That wasn’t the case with my wife. She wanted it a lot. She was always asking for it. I did it once in a while with her- a few times a year, but I wasn’t really into it. Can you believe that? It seems so stupid now.
Then I got caught.
Yes, I got caught last year calling an AMP using my cellphone. My wife only noticed it because they were being raided by the cops at the time, and I was psycho dialing the number because they weren’t picking up. My wife knows that I don’t want to talk to anyone that badly, so that started the ball rolling. A quick Google search of the number revealed that it belonged to a mamasan that had already been arrested three times before. Very soon after that came the flood of hurtful truths of what I was doing. I remember standing in my kitchen having to have to tell my wife what kind of perverted, sick bastard I was all while being married. But one thing I knew immediately. I love my wife and I wanted nothing more than to stay with her, and her to stay with me. I begged her to give me a year for me to sort my problems out.
Now at this point, if your first reaction is to mock me or get defensive, you might want to skip the rest of this post. If you’re interested in getting out of the endless cycle of “the life” then keep reading. You might have gotten so used to lying to your wife or SO that you forgot what made you start mongering in the first place, and you probably think there’s no way you could ever come clean because you’ll lose your family, so you live your life having to keep covering your tracks. But let’s face it. It’s exhausting living your life having to worry about covering your tracks all the time. I'm not trying to change anyone's minds, just trying to share my experience in the hopes that maybe, after all the damage I did and the pain I've caused, I might be able to help one, just one person feel better about themselves and take the steps to get help so they can lighten their emotional load and finally feel good inside. Take my comments with a grain of salt and move on if you wish. That's your choice.
There are several things I learned going through a life changing event like this one – I call them Hammer Fall events, because they strike like a hammer and do enormous damage very, very quickly and in one central location. The first is that the best, and indeed only course of action is to come clean completely all on the first, or within the first three days. I say three days because depending on your partner’s strength, they might not be able to take all that truth all at once, but it must get to them as soon as possible. Holding anything – anything – back will lead to certain backlashes later, guaranteed. You must purge your soul of all that weighs you down emotionally. I’m not a nut who believes in healing crystals or the power of prayer- I’m an Atheist who thinks all the California-centric tantric healing is nonsense. What I mean by purging your soul is that you have to release the things that will hold you back from realizing why you are who you are and why you do what you do.
Now for some bitter irony. I did not do the above- at all. I minimalized my place and role in my extra-marital shenanigans so much so that I only admitted to hand-jobs from AMP’s, and only within the last few years. Nothing long term, nothing that made me look too bad (considering). I marginalized my role in all of it, and I felt “justified” in doing so because I would be sparing my partner, whom I really did love, from the pain and anguish of knowing what a complete ass she was married to. Is that so bad? Doesn’t sound too bad. I didn’t want to hurt her with my facts. Nonsense. She DESERVES the truth. This is a part of the process you cannot get around. There is a very simple method of operation to this phase: Make sure when your mouth opens, it is answering any question he/she has and truthfully. Easy enough. What I did not think about was the inner investigative reporter she really was. Knowing a few choice facts, as well as phone numbers now, she did her investigating and soon discovered, time and time again, that I had been lying to her and things stretched further back, and were far saucier, than I had led her to previously believe. Having been caught red-handed with the findings that I had been calling places like that for much longer than I admitted earlier, I would capitulate and add that to my narrative, but stopped there and stood my ground. “This is all I’ve done” I would explain. “There is no more to tell”.
Wrong. She kept digging, and found more. This went on for a few times until all there was that I HAD done, had been discovered. She found all my online profiles, and all my online reviews, and she read them all, including my profile here. She was able to reconstruct my entire mongering lifestyle. I say that to head off the cynics who will say “I’ll bet she doesn’t know about the whores who were in her bedroom.” But yes, she does. She knows all of it. The problem was I wasn’t the one to tell her the facts. She found them out herself. Now put yourself in that position. Would you believe anything that came from those lips anymore? I can read your mind. You said “No, I wouldn’t”. THIS is why coming clean in the beginning (or very close to it) is so vitally important to your later self. Let that be your first lesson. It is near impossible to gain the trust back after lying so much. How my wife had the strength to stay with me after all that is beyond my comprehension. But she did. You may not be so lucky.
******* continued on next post **********
Why was I lying so much? To minimize my appearance as a monster that I knew I was. I spent my entire life lying- sometimes about the dumbest things, that I found it almost second nature to lie. I’m positive I’m not the only person on this planet thinking like this. Sad to think, I’m not all that uncommon. But there are many out there close to being the person I was.
Now, all the while I was denying and minimalizing, I was going to therapy, specifically EMDR (Google it). You might think you can sort things out all on your own or between the two of you. Wrong. This is serious business and one not to be gone into without some type of professional guidance. There are going to be plenty of raw emotions, and plenty of hurt feelings. No way can you navigate that sea of despair yourselves. You need a captain experienced in these rough seas, one that can steer you on the correct course. Take some time and find one you both like. It will be the best decision you ever made (aside from staying together). This is your second lesson: Get professional help.
I don’t think my story is all that uncommon. Most statistics put childhood sexual abuse at 1 out of every 6. This is a bit high for me, but even half that is a staggering amount of people. Chances are, if you’re in this hobby, you’re carrying around some things in your id (unconscious) you are completely unaware of. Will a good therapist be able to find these things? Hopefully. Me? I give credit to my wife, who is not only attractive, caring, understanding and loving, but damned smart as well! She was able to work things out of me I didn’t even know I was harboring and reduced me, on several occasions, to a blubbering, crying mess. I had never cried more in my entire life than I did in the few months’ time shortly after D-Day (my being discovered).
No doubt many of you will say, “You only changed because you got caught.” Yes, that’s exactly right. If I hadn’t been caught I would have wound up living the mongering life until the day I died, but now it’s clear to me that that’s not really living. I cringe when I even think about what I did and who I did it with. It actually makes me nauseous when I remember it. The best thing that ever happened to me was that I got caught. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I did skip a bit that was pretty important. If you don’t come clean yourself and are discovered, you might want to immediately pack your things and go. This might be the one feeling you need to overcome, or you might not even have it at all. I didn’t really have this. I wanted nothing more than to stay with my wife and fix anything I could to make things right. I knew my entire life something was wrong with me. My ultimate hero consisted of Mr. Spock from Star Trek, only because I envied his ability to control his human emotions to the point they did not affect his day to day life. I strived to be like him. I often thought of myself as Ted Bundy or John Gacy too. How can I be human and not care one bit if thousands died in a Tsunami or earthquake? I had zero empathy or cares for anyone other than myself. But when the Hammer Fall happened to me, I knew from second one that I wanted nothing more than to live the rest of my life with my wife, and grow old with her. Sometimes it takes dramatic events to wake you up from yourself. Sometimes, the worst can bring about the best. I’ve read online how some marriages are better off now after the cheating was discovered than they were before. At first reading, I thought it was unlikely. Now, I see it. I’ve gone on a tangent again. I do that from time to time. My point is this: Are you ready to admit you’re wrong and need help? You cannot save what doesn’t want to be saved. Unless change is in your heart, the rest is a waste of time. In that case, don’t prolong the misery. Changing just to please another is not pleasing anyone and is unfair to your mate. You have to WANT to change before you move forward. Take some time to think and be true to yourself. What is it that YOU want? If you want to stay with your mate, you have to know and prepare yourself for the fight of your life. You have to prepare to bare your worst inner thoughts and fears, and expose yourself to not only your mate, but your psychiatrist as well. It’s never a good idea to lie to your therapist either by the way. Another lesson: Be true to what YOU want. If you want to stay, fight for him/her. If you don’t, then don’t waste any more time.
The one thing I want to get across more than anything else is that it IS possible to move forward with your lives. Rather than being a hammer of destruction, it can be a hammer of reconstruction. My wife and I now are closer than we’ve ever been. She was there to help me despite what I did, and how great a thing I had right under my nose that I didn't need to go outside for. And now that 99 percent of that weirdness I had in my head about her being a mother is gone, I’ve discovered that her skills put any provider to SHAME. I can’t believe I passed her up for so long, and she never went outside our marriage to get what she needed and I refused to give her. What an idiot I was, and yes- I’m still ashamed of it, but that doesn’t stop us from enjoying each other like we should have all these years. And even better? My wife WANTS it- no GFE acting job required. THAT is the reason I no longer do this. I just simply don't need to. Maybe you have the same thing waiting at home yourselves.
Who the fuck is this idiot to start an account and post this shit first time ??? Not my first post here- My username was JimofNJ, and truth be told, I forgot my password and cant log back in because of email changes form years ago!

I wish you all peace and happiness, and the best of luck in your journeys.
I'm confused. The last JimofNJ post is from 11 years ago. So you came clean with the SO way back then? If so, what made you come back to here now?
I'm confused. The last JimofNJ post is from 11 years ago. So you came clean with the SO way back then? If so, what made you come back to here now?
I posted most of my stuff to another website and mainly posted there after leaving this one (wont mention the name). Why come back here ? Closure. To put a period in this chapter of my life and move on. I came clean with the SO October of 2015.
I almost feel like the guy standing on the soapbox spewing about Jesus. I don't believe in God. And I don't care if you believe in what I have to say. I wish all of you happiness, though I don't think you'll ever truly find it in any of these places.
Did you profess your newfound faith to the other website, too? Or is it just us who are the lucky recipients of your wakeup call without having received the benefit of reading about your expoits for a decade.
Did you profess your newfound faith to the other website, too? Or is it just us who are the lucky recipients of your wakeup call without having received the benefit of reading about your expoits for a decade.
LOL. Sarcasm doesn't become you. No, my newfound faith was posted to every site I posted to. Kind of a full-circle deal for me ;-) There just isn't anything special enough about this site to make want to make it exclusive.