Paying For Service- Before or After?

Excellent post KS,

If you give her the "fee" up front, then the tip after, you can let her know that you had a great session, and maybe make her feel special. Everyone likes to be complimented on their performance.


Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Re: ok carl

Originally posted by LIDAWN
what if you get 30 minutes into an hour session and the gentlemen decides this is not for him for his own personnal reasons.. you r already in action i might add and he asks you to go .. with out payment as first discussed... only a tiny portion of it.. say 1/10th
is that ok or not?
would love a response on this one..
hugzz dawn

No this is absolutely not acceptable- if he was the one to ask the girl to leave then full payment should be rendered on the spot! Unless the provider feels she has done something wrong with the guy- then I guess it could be left to the provider to renegotiate the rate at her discretion

[Edited by Carl M on 03-01-2001 at 09:20 AM]

I never ask for it in if I know the gentleman. If it is a first time client. Its spoken about before we meet so I do not have to ask, as well as I.D. I direct newbies to a place where he can learn the card or envelope on table way.

No, a gift and a tip are different things.

They can achieve the same thing, I guess, but a gift is given just because you want to give something. A tip is to be remembered as a good client and to reward great service.

Frankly, most providers prefer cash to presents. The odds of you buying something she actually wants are pretty slim. If you buy a gift, get something light-hearted and inexpensive, yet nice. I used to have hints on my web site - I listed Godiva chocolates as one of the things I loved in life. That way, I got lots of Godiva chocolates. These are affordable, as you can buy a variety of box sizes, and they are nice to give because they're pretty. Clients who get a kick out of giving gifts were satisfied, and I had something I liked.

Gifts aren't that important, though. If you give a gift, it's sweet, but I don't think many providers really care and we feel TERRIBLE when you buy something we don't like. We feel bad that you've wasted the money. At least, I felt kinda guilty.

Thanks for the info. I have only given one gift and that was to a special woman. I think she wears it everyday I guess I got lucky.

Guy "there are certain 'gifts that keep on giving'"

Would that gift come with batteries. hehe

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Originally posted by guy catelli
there are certain 'gifts that keep on giving'.

[Edited by guy catelli on 03-01-2001 at 02:45 PM]
GC are you in FL or just zoning out in FL! Why the shades man!

I generally do not tip independents. I may give them a gift but not money.
In houses, that's another story. I like to tip in advance or at least let the girl know in advance that if the service is good a tip will be generous.
I agree. I rarely tip independents with extra cash. But I will bring a bottle of wine, flowers, or something different, such as candy. Since independents do not share their commission with the house, I would rather contribute to the ambiance than plunk down extra cash, which often seems crass.
For certain select ladies, not only will I pay in advance, I will give them an advance for the coming month.
I find that this is a way to remove money from the setting and give everyone a chance to relax.
at the start of the date i leave the $$$ in an envelope with the girl's name on it in a conspicuous place where she will see it. this way she is free to pick it up either in the beginning or the end...her choice. and generally i do not tip escorts unless they did something that was way over, above and beyond the call of duty. i used to see a lady that would drive 2 hr through nyc am rush hr traffic to see me. i used to give her a tip to show her my appreciation for her effort.
EZ.. i am doing better..

a gift can be better than a tip if it is something she adores...
thank you so much for the flowers during my short stay in the green room..
i am so grateful for your kind words and thoughts.. hugzz angel..
moving slow glad for the break in snow days wink..
tucker carl m goerge ez..

you guys are the best thank you for being there and understanding..I am slowly on my feet now..
Please let me re schedule as the weather and my energy allows..I want to be 1110% for you guys and i am soo in need and looking forward to combining those energies..
look at new pics till then