Part 4

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(A middle-aged, corpulent red-faced john in a brothel session room is doing a prostitute doggie style. Straight on close-up of prostitute's face shot while leaning down into camera lens. The john is seen behind her holding on to her waist struggling and pounding away heavily against her with some apparent difficulty as he attempts to reach orgasm.)

Prostitute (in a normal speaking voice): On those heavy days working double-shifts with lots of half-hour sessions, when I (ugh) can have as many as 28 johns (ugh), it's hard to stay as fresh as I'd like. Since many of my johns (ugh) have this thing for performing oral sex (ugh) on me and licking me (ugh) like a stray dog even though they only met me 10 minutes ago, I didn't know what to do (ugh). My tips were down (ugh) until I heard (ugh) about Brothel Girl Feminine Hygiene Deodorant Spray (ugh).

(Prostitute quickly turns her head back towards john with a sudden wincing look of pain on her face.)

Prostitute (in a demure, sweet voice): Please don't put your thumb there. That hurts.

John (in a moronic, falsely apologetic tone of voice): Oh, sorry.

(Prostitute turns to face camera again, straight on resuming her close-up.)

Prostitute (resuming normal speaking voice): Now, I can feel confident (ugh) all day long and know that I taste my freshest (ugh).

(Prostitute quickly turns her head back towards john. The john is grabbing his chest, gasping for breath as he dies from an apparent heart attack. He falls off the prostitute onto the floor. Prostitute quickly turns face the other way towards the door of the brothel session room.)

Prostitute (in a loud, suddenly raucous voice): Hey, Mabel! We got another one to dump in the alley tonight!

(Prostitute turns to face camera straight on resuming close-up while leaning down again into camera with her ass in the air.)

Prostitute (resuming normal voice again): Even on those heavy days.

(Female Announcer's voiceover as camera pans towards the dead face of the john on the floor.)

Female Announcer: Brothel Girl Feminine Hygiene Deodorant Spray. When you only have a minute to taste your freshest.
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