Once again...The F'ing French

The Nato-led force in Bosnia, S-For, has confirmed that 10 of its soldiers were detained following a raid on a bar near the capital, Sarajevo.
The bar is believed to be part of a network of establishments involved in the trafficking of women from eastern Europe.

It is understood the 10 soldiers caught in the raid were all French and in uniform.

At least the were in uniform... That in itself is a rarity.

Can't say I didn't tell you so.

btw.... Those fucking Canadians aren't far off from what I'm hearing lately.
Wait a minute -

Soldiers, in uniform no less, arrested at a brothel, I shocked, shocked.

So is there some implication the these guys were involved in the forcing these women into prostitution?

OR is more likely that like most AMP customer, they were ignoring (or, god forbid, ignorant) of how they came to work there?

With this, I add a thousand apologies for in any way defending the French.
This place was off limits to all Nato personel, because of the trafficking problem. Nothing wrong with getting laid, as long as the woman involved is doing it of her own free will.
how 'bout dem cowboys!!!!

TOKYO (Reuters) - The United States said on Thursday it would not agree to Tokyo's request to hand over to Japanese authorities a U.S. Marine suspected of trying to rape a woman on Okinawa, home to most of the U.S. military bases in Japan.

The U.S. refusal comes at a time when public resentment toward U.S. forces is growing in Japan and South Korea, with calls to revise treaties governing the conduct of the U.S. troops in the two key U.S. allies.

Japan had demanded the U.S. military hand over Major Michael J. Brown, 39, who police allege tried to rape the woman in her car on November 2.


Incidents involving the U.S. military, including the notorious 1995 rape of a 12-year-old Japanese girl by three servicemen, have fanned the resentment and prompted calls to shift the troops elsewhere in Japan or reduce their number, which the central government -- anxious to avoid ruffling bilateral ties -- is in general keen to avoid.

and let's not forget...

In March this year, U.S. airman Timothy Woodland was found guilty of raping a Japanese woman in June 2001 and sentenced to 32 months in a Japanese jail.
Do you really want me to list the atrocities that the Japanese government inflicted upon US POW's during WWII.

The Korean and Vietnamese governments should keep very very quiet when pointing fingers at others as well.
The French

Are usually pretty good about providing comforts for their troops.

the Foreign Legion maintains brothels at its overseas posts (Djibouti and Tahiti, I believe) for the soldiers.

And during the Indochina mess in the 50's, they marched 3 ladies thru the jungle to service a beleaguered garrison in the middle of nowhere. These ladies were praised in Parliament for their service to France.

Originally posted by Ozzy
Do you really want me to list the atrocities that the Japanese government inflicted upon US POW's during WWII.

The Korean and Vietnamese governments should keep very very quiet when pointing fingers at others as well.
I hope you are not trying to use the Japanese treatment of US POW's to justify giving US military or other citizens a pass when it comes to abusing foreign nationals, especially women.

Yes the Japanese were brutal to US POW's during WWII. But that brutality pales in comparison to the brutality inflicted on the Chinese, Koreans and other people in the asia Pacific area. Even today there is still much resentment in Thailand toward the Japanese because of the treatment many Thais met at the hands of the Japanese (remember the Bridge over the River Kwai). If one wants to see the horrors of that period, one only has to visit the River Kwai site and museum. I have on several occasions, it can be a very emotional experience. Also visit the large cemetary a short distance away in Kanchanaburi. There are many graves of Brits, Dutch, Canadians, Aussies, amoung others. Men (POWs)who perished at the hands of the Japs. I was told that there are several graves of US POWs, but despite several tries I never diod see them.

So much for history. The women of Japan, as well as women everywhere have a basic human right for men to respect their person and their dignity. That being said I don't want to prejudge the situation on Okinawa. The Jarhead Major may or maynot be quilty. The girl may or may not be making up the story, however, knowing the Japanese character as I do, it is much less likely than more so.

If he is guilty, all I can say is "What was he think about?" I have been to Okinawa in recent years. There is more than an ample supply of providers, both young and pretty and at reasonable cost. As a Major this guy could easily afford one.
The military should investigate quickly. If they find probable cause, they should turn him over to the Japanese judicial system.
Re: The French

Originally posted by John Blackthorne
The Foreign Legion maintains brothels at its overseas posts (Djibouti and Tahiti, I believe) for the soldiers.
Reminds me of the "Camel" joke. It's been around so much, I assume most have heard it.
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Thinks he's Caesar's Wife
For those that haven't

Originally posted by daengman
Reminds me of the "Camel" joke. It's been around so much, I assume most have heard it.
A new lieutenent in the French Foreign Legion arrives at an isolated base in Algeria. As a corporal shows him is quarters, he asks the corporal, "The base is rather isolated, what do the men do for female companionship?"

The corporal replies, "On Fridays, they let us use the camels."

The lieutentent is disgusted, but says nothing. After a few weeks, however, the new officer is very lonely. He decides that if everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't he.

The next friday, the young lieutentent slinks over to the camel pens and, after looking around, drops his pants and starts humping a female camel. The camel is not amused and makes a huge uproar.

The same corporal comes in to investigate. "Lieutenent! What are you doing."

"Come on man," replied the embarresed officer, "You yourself told me we could use the camels on Fridays."

"Yes sir," replied the corporal. "But most of us just ride them into town."
Originally posted by daengman

I hope you are not trying to use the Japanese treatment of US POW's to justify giving US military or other citizens a pass when it comes to abusing foreign nationals, especially women.


It's just that all these anti American pieces of shit who populate this board drive me nuts when they act like America is the biggest adn only evil in the world yet they wouldn't want to be in any other country because they'd be beheaded for saying half the things about them as they do this country.
Originally posted by Ozzy


It's just that all these anti American pieces of shit who populate this board drive me nuts when they act like America is the biggest adn only evil in the world yet they wouldn't want to be in any other country because they'd be beheaded for saying half the things about them as they do this country.
Like I said: Ozzy=Hulk Hogan with a PhD.

Don't worry about them hearing you becuase they don't listen, anyway.

One guarantee: if Billary was still getting head from fat interns in the Oval Orifice, these same people would be talking about how virtuous HIS government is...
Originally posted by Ozzy
It's just that all these anti American pieces of shit who populate this board drive me nuts when they act like America is the biggest adn only evil in the world...
1) Actually Ozzy, it's quite the opposite. It's all the yahoos on this board who go out of their way to list all the shit every other country does that illicits anti-American responses, and not because i or skagen or whomever else is anti-American, but because we know everyone in the world (including the USA) is the same shit and we just call you motherfuckers out on it.

Rather than crying about how we're anti-American, just save the "f'ing French" or "f'ing anyone else" posts and you won't get the shit thrown right back in your face.

2) Your first reply to my post in this thread was bush and you deserved the response you got from daengman.

3) Reel Deel is the dumbest mofo i've ever come across in my life.
The thing is... It's NOT the same shit.

This country isn't perfect but it's not as bad as those I've trashed in the past. You can't compare Hitler or saddam to George Bush.. at least not until Bush starts rounding up members of this society and begins systematically murdering them or using chemical wepons on certain states that didn't vote for him (ala Saddam and the Kurds). Even with the history this country has in it's treatment of the blacks during the 18th and 19th centuries it doesn't equal what others have done. You might say that America is the lesser of the evils.

The fact that you're still here along with Skagen preaching how horrible this country is should tell you that. Why don't you go to Iraq or to any Islamic nation and openly confront their government with their human rights violations and let me know how long they allow you to live. Shit!... Pick almost any country and let me know how long before they lock you up or worse. My guess is that you and Skagen wouldn't want to go anywhere else on this planet and act like you do here, and enjoy the fact you have so much freedom to practice what you do.

And just so you know.. Your not nearly as bad as Skagen because at least you base your anti American posts on past facts.. Skagen just assumes what this country did or will do in the future. My advice is that he should open up the "Skagen Psychic Network" and go on late nite TV.
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Because i don't want this to become another long political thread, i'll just tell you that the reason i'm so critical of the US is because i expect and want nothing but the best from my gov't and it's people, not because i hate it.
Originally posted by Stecchino
Because i don't want this to become another long political thread, i'll just tell you that the reason i'm so critical of the US is because i expect and want nothing but the best from my gov't and it's people, not because i hate it.
Then you Sir are naive, expecting the best from people. The post from the BBC points to a institutional mentality which to me address the failure of the French as a whole. This is not the work of individuals as pointed out in your post. You did include the punishment, not harsh enough IMHO, doled out to the guilty parties, what do you think the French government is going to do about this.

BTW feel free to start a post “Those F’ing Americans” along with “Those F’ing Jews”.

Let me help you get the ball rolling with
Those F’ing Jews”

From http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2549905.stm

Thousands of angry Palestinians have taken to the streets of the al-Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip to bury 10 people killed in overnight fighting with Israeli troops.
Mourners, some wearing masks, followed the bodies of those killed through the narrow streets of the camp chanting "revenge, revenge". We are committed to the continuation of jihad and martyr operations until our land is liberated," members of the militant group Hamas shouted through loudspeakers. There is ongoing controversy about the identity of the victims. An initial account by a United Nations official in the camp - that eight were unarmed civilians, including two who worked for the UN - has now been contradicted by a more senior UN spokesman who told the BBC that no conclusions about the victims' identities had yet been reached
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan condemned the killings and urged the Israeli army to exercise greater restraint.
Israel says at least five of those killed were members of Hamas and the group itself has issued a statement saying six of its people died in the raid, including two from its military wing.
The camp's Mayor, Kamal Baghdadi and an official from a nearby hospital, Ahmed Rabah, have said they believe four of the dead were from the Mansour family, whose home they say was hit in the raid.
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat described the incursion as "Israeli terrorism".
"It is a new massacre," he said. "What happened is a continuation of the massacres against the Palestinian people."
"This is Israeli terrorism against our children, our women and our holy shrines from Rafah [in southern Gaza] to Jenin [in the West Bank]. Isn't what they are doing daily terrorism?"
Israel regularly sends troops into the Gaza Strip to seek out Palestinian militants it blames for suicide attacks that have killed scores of Israelis since the Palestinian uprising began.

Tit for tat. An eye for an eye. Israel killing innocent civilians ala Hamas and Fatah and that hypocrite scumbag Arafat cries about the deaths of innocent.
Originally posted by Stecchino
Reel Deel is the dumbest mofo i've ever come across in my life.
In a weird, left-handed sort of way, I take this as a compliment.

Whenever a socialist reaches beyond intellect, facts, and human nature to impugn something they don't agree with, all it means is that the truth is getting to them. And the vapidity of their arguments denegrate into personal name calling. We see it all the time by the way they, and their willing accomplices in the leftist, main-stream media pronounce conservatives (except Jim Jeffords and John McCain) as idiots, morons, and imbeciles.

So, Thank You. This means I've arrived...
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Thinks he's Caesar's Wife
Just for the record, Jim Jeffords is as much a conservative as I am a ballerina.

(Does anyone know where I can buy a pair of size 14 toe shoes?)
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