On a lucky streak

This past Thursday I beat a driving ticket whose penalty was a fine ranging anywhere from $300 to $1,000, community service and a 1 years suspension of my drivers licence. If guilty, I'd probably lose my job of 11 years, since I drive for a living.

My fine, $88 and $60 court costs.

Today, Sunday, I was emptying my pants pocket of the weeks change. One coin looked funny. Upon closer examination it turned out to be a 1861, $2.50 gold quater eagle in very fine condition.

Now if only that person I sent an e*mail to yesterday would respond in the affirmative, I'd have a hat trick. How about it, please?

BTW, would anyone know what that $2.50 gold piece is worth? Thanks.
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What the hell kind of ticket was that?

The Gold quarter is worth at least $300-$400 (depending on condition and where it was minted it could be much more).

then again when i first moved here away from folks and struggling with my retail job..i drove with the same situation and on top of that suspended ct license

thank god i never got busted got pulled over a few times but weazled my way out of it..last year 2 days before my bday..it cost me like 2 grand to get it all legal..

and ct still has cheaper insurance too..thank god i can still use my folks address

Cloud Nine

I had to open my big mouth.......
I learned my lesson with that! The cop took my license plate away!! (He did let me drive home) I've been insured and registered ever since.