Notifications - Question for Mods

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I'm not sure where to post something like this. I do have an e mail linked to my account and think that I have it set up to get notifications, etc. for responses to my threads or other that I am following but I don't seem to get those e mails. Did I do something wrong? Thanks.
I know that there is an option for this, but I have never used it. I will try and look into it for you.
In the meantime, the easiest way I found to follow daily activity on the board is through the use of the "New Posts" feature. After you log on, click on the New Posts tab at the top of the site. It will then generate a list of posts where someone has commented since the last time you were logged on.

P.S. As far as where this question should have been posted, Board posting features in the Start Here!!! section would have been more appropriate.