New study says women prefer low testosterone effeminate liberal men to muscular confident alpha males

New study says women prefer low testosterone effeminate liberal men to muscular confident alpha males
The benefits of ending toxic masculinity

According to a poll data received from 48,000 individuals of various gender identities at the 2019 women’s march, it’s abundantly clear that muscular confident alpha males are out, and low testosterone effeminate liberal beta males are in. Especially with the advent of the latest Gillette ad, toxic masculinity is at an all time low and women are preferring men with less characteristically “masculine” traits.

If you are a man (or identify as one) and you have successfully developed your fitness level to the point where your body fat is low while muscle composition is high, you have abs, a sculpted chest, and can bench twice your body weight – we’re sorry to say you wasted your time. If you want any of the strong attractive women from the women’s march, you need to switch up your priorities.

Women love men who barely qualify as traditional men. We’re talking thin men with skinny fat, untoned muscles, patchy facial hair, poor eyesight and liberal views so far to the left, that every possession they have is yours too. Low testosterone and a high soy-based diet is in.

Nothing is more sexually appealing than a man with morals
Nothing is hotter than a man who wears a pussy hat and bows to the demands of Black Lives Matter and gives every spare penny they have to reparations. When they go low, you should go high – and that means dealing with bullies without standing up for yourself. Take it. If someone calls you a name, own it. If someone is disrespectful to you, embrace it. If another alpha male wants to steal your girlfriend or wife, let them.

The age of masculinity is over and our country has never been stronger. Liberal values and worldviews are more appealing to women than confidence and strength.
This is where the details matter ... they asked women at the women's march. Those angry dikes hardly represent the average american woman. If you were to get a TRUE sample of the average american woman ... you would see that they really do like the alpha male. More and more women are rejecting feminism as it has developed today. Feminism is no longer about equal rights, it's about insulting men and being angry dikes that wear pink pussy hats.
This is where the details matter ... they asked women at the women's march. Those angry dikes hardly represent the average american woman. If you were to get a TRUE sample of the average american woman ... you would see that they really do like the alpha male. More and more women are rejecting feminism as it has developed today. Feminism is no longer about equal rights, it's about insulting men and being angry dikes that wear pink pussy hats.
Nah Ya Think ? Hahahaha
What I truly don't get is how these ASSHATS get platforms to speak and it gets published !
This is good news for the Simple Mayor.
First off I'm the MAYOR of SimpleTon not a simple mayor. Secondly, your insults only turn me on so don't bend over for the soap and thirdly, change your avatar to Stifler from American Pie as I suggested. You are really the cartoon version of him.
I say that with love.
You want me to do what ? I'm not doing that ever ! Just give me a job with a $100,000 to start ! I have lots of experience in God knows what so, just hire me
Yeah, lots of need for all those with degrees in liberal studies, fashion design and art history. Unfortunately the only $100K they are going to see is the balance on their student loans.
The fucking millennials kill everything
You want me to do what ? I'm not doing that ever ! Just give me a job with a $100,000 to start ! I have lots of experience in God knows what so, just hire me
These two above posts sound like something my Grandfather would say about my generation. I'm not doing that to millennials.

Is their generation awesome? Doubt any generation is awesome. Some good some bad in all generations. However I'm not gonna act like they ruin everything cause they don't. And many generations have done stupid shit. Gen X mainly raised or didn't raise em some Boomers raised em also. What does that say about them?
Regarding the millennial bashing in this thread. Older generations bashing the young generation is nothing new. Problem is. Most of the previous generations sucked just as bad as the millennials. It started going down hill with the Baby Boomers.