masasage parlors/spas

are you looking for sensual massage or f/s? "best" depends on what your expecting in terms of service, women,privacy and facilities. can you be more specific. i have an opinion about where the best service is but what i and other posters like may vary from your preferences.
best ambiance? or best as in 'the best candy dish by the door as you leave'? or maybe best rates? best smell? best taste? best lighting? best bet?

a nice clean private place in manhattan with hot all american staff and good atmosphere- i only know of two places ( but its really just one, they are run by same people) : and unrushed nude bodyrubs w/ HR but clearly no F/S. its more expensive than your amp but its in a different class. only complaint is its hard to secure an appointment without advance planning. have never had a bad session but my personal favorites are ulla, tabitha and bobbi. used to like pears but with rate hike to over $$$ and entire staff turnover dont go anymore. stopped going to madison club too after heard about so many busts. any other ideas team? always open for suggestions.
The madison club is definitely upper crust for MP but realize you are going to have to shell out significantly more than your run of the mill place. Close to outcall rates , although the facilities there are 2nd to none.
Not quite a MP, but there's an incall place in the E30's (212-213-0061). That's worth checking out. It's one woman in an apartment, $180 for an hour.

I went a few months ago and saw Sophia, she gave a good massage and one of the best HJ's I've had in my life (self-inflicted ones included!)
Re: how do you contact the Madison Club?

Originally posted by daan11
Hi. How do you contact the madison club and MC South. Thanks.
Madison Club - 212-973-0072

Have a good time! BTW not all girls will go topless but you will get your HJ