Mac iBook G4 Problem

Sorry that I haven't been able to respond sooner, but the wife has been around the computer a lot, so I couldn't log onto UG.

The processor speed is 1.33 Ghz. The airport card is listed as "Airport Extreme". I have a 14" screen. When I test the battery (when the power cord is unplugged) by pressing the battery button, it tests just fine. I don't see anything in the System Profiler relating to the battery cycle speed.

That said, I tried what you recommended. I shut down Airport and unplugged the computer. The computer ran just fine and I didn't experience the screen black out at all. After a while (at least an hour) I turned Airport back on. Within just a few minutes (even less than when this happened in the past), the screen went black again.

I also noticed, however (and I think this is a separate problem) that the battery was losing power much faster than it should. When I first unplugged the computer, it showed that the battery was fully charged (as it should). However, very quickly, it started losing power. I had it unplugged for at least an hour, but by then, I was down pretty low. And I wasn't doing anything with the computer, so there's no reason for this to happen. I'm thinking now that this is a separate problem that I've discovered.

Do you still think it's the Airport card? Why would it work perfectly when the computer is plugged in?
Your air port card is the power hog. Perhaps there exists a more power efficient wireless card for your computer.
Sorry that I haven't been able to respond sooner, but the wife has been around the computer a lot, so I couldn't log onto UG.

The processor speed is 1.33 Ghz. The airport card is listed as "Airport Extreme". I have a 14" screen. When I test the battery (when the power cord is unplugged) by pressing the battery button, it tests just fine. I don't see anything in the System Profiler relating to the battery cycle speed.

That said, I tried what you recommended. I shut down Airport and unplugged the computer. The computer ran just fine and I didn't experience the screen black out at all. After a while (at least an hour) I turned Airport back on. Within just a few minutes (even less than when this happened in the past), the screen went black again.

I also noticed, however (and I think this is a separate problem) that the battery was losing power much faster than it should. When I first unplugged the computer, it showed that the battery was fully charged (as it should). However, very quickly, it started losing power. I had it unplugged for at least an hour, but by then, I was down pretty low. And I wasn't doing anything with the computer, so there's no reason for this to happen. I'm thinking now that this is a separate problem that I've discovered.

Do you still think it's the Airport card? Why would it work perfectly when the computer is plugged in?
It seems to me that the solution to your problem is to buy another lap top. That would solve your battery problem, and your access problem. You can get a very nicely equipped computer for less then $700.
I am not sure if I suggested this.

Reset the PMU ( power management unit) and reset the PRAM.

You can find instructions on apple's support site. If you cannot find that I will post instructions. Let me know.
I asked a tech I know today about my problem. He seriously thinks it may just be the battery — the charge it shows when I unplug it is a phantom charge. He lent me a good battery and I'm going to swap it out to see if it's that simple. (Keeping my fingers crossed.)

I'll let you know.

As for the Apple/Windows/Linus debate: leave it for another thread, please :)
D-Link makes a USB wireless adapter for Apple computers. You could try it out. It most likely uses less battery power then the Apple Air Card. It's a little thumb drive size devise that is USB powered. As for the Apple/Windows/Linux debate, I'm not out to convert anybody. To each his own.