Lots of bad news. Anyone know more?


I only know what I read in the Record today. But it is very interesting, that some places survive the scrutiny of LE and yet others get nailed. Why is that? All I know is that I/all of us, have to be very careful when we go to these places now.
True Safety?

I have a technique that I have been refining over the years to insure my safety when visiting with a lady for the first time. Firstly, on a first visit, I never opt for anything more than a nude massage. I am not certain if this is considered a sex act by LE. But seems safer than just coming out with a request for CBJ. Secondly, I never ask for 'extras' until the provider has aready 'crossed the line' with touching. I believe that LE would be unable to cross that line. Money is never discussed, I simply say that I know how tipping works (which is pretty standard in NJ). If that isnt enough, then I digress and avoid that provider in the future.

Perhaps I have been lucky, any ideas or insight into keeping safe would be very appreciated. Especially if you have had experience with LE.

This still doesnt help if you get caught with your pants down, like the guy in the article. I like to keep a towel handy to cover up (behind my head as a pillow usually works) and the door to the room MUST lock from the inside or I request another room. At least that gives you some hope if you have a second or 2.

I am thinking of swithing my habits to outcall until I this blows over, but I really like the table showers 8(
What happens to a patron if he gets caught getting a HR besides embarassment. What could LE do if you were
a) laying on the table getting massaged
b) getting a HR
Sound advice from another board.

I found some decent advise on another board so I though I would paste it here.

LE cannot just break down the door and arrest people,they only come in & bust if there is already an undercover on premise posing as a client,who generally then signals the crew waiting outside to come in & raid-if you want to be totally safe,frequent places that only have one client at a time, such as an independant or these 1 girl places that are all over the city, or even a place that is "regulars only"-this way you are assured there wont be an undercover on premise while you are there-though from what ive heard they usually just scare the guys,take their name, address,etc. & tell them to leave ~ellis on TBD

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
I could be remembering wrong, but I recall seeing that more than one place was busted based on an employee "ratting", and for the guys who were on premisses at the time of the bust - even ones who were just found in the waiting room - had their names published in one of the local papers.
Also, in Friday's Bergen Record, there was a story of a bust of a go-go bar in South Hackensack. They busted 3 girls for prostitution though they were just giving lap dances!

I have to wonder why the tax-payers of Bergen County aren't outraged at their tax dollars being spent on prostitution related crimes. Why not spend the tax payers money on matters that would benefit the majority of the people - like busting those car insurance fraud scammers that make everyone pay higher premiums?
Isn't it something that the article gives the addresses of the massage parlors? Now we can all find the places! And after they were already targeted by LE, they possibly could be left alone for awhile. I think LE just wants to make it look like they are doing something, then they move on to new things. Like that raid of the park near the Riverside Square Mall in Bergen where went after people for lewdness.