ISO Pamela of Heavenly Exit


Angela told me she was going back to China to visit the family. She was planning on being there for a few months, so I won't be surprised if she appears again in another month or so.
Angela told me the same thing, but then the Heavenly Exit mail list stated that she was no longer with Heavenly Exit so I figured something had happened. I know she was planning on returning after her trip.

all of you guys are wrong , i was told that she moved to texas with husband . wich makes sense because last time i was there she told me she was trying to sell her car.
Angela of HeavenlyExit

Angela is Chinese, not korean. She spent time in japan, and claims to be "part Japanese" but I doubt it. She went to China for a long visit. Ask any of the other therapists at HeavenlyExit (I've asked two) and they tell the same story with different (but concurring) details.