Iso for best High-end Agency???

you can't get in unless you know someone who is a member.
you're not guaranteed a membership though because some places are very selective.
i used to work at a very high end place that no one on this board has mentioned because it's very very secretive. The clients are very well known and it's expensive but if i was a guy i would just go to a regular house that charges less. Why spend so much money for sex.
I love these posts where someone says they know a place thats so secretive no one knows about it. How do they stay in business?

Maybe secret places should have a secret handshake or better yet, make you hold a burning match and simultaneously make you recite the Greek alphabet backwards before the burning match, burns your fingers.

they stay in business because members bring in their friends.
this place has never advertised. it just grew from members bringing in their friends.
She came under punishing ground attack from a high rate of members and their friend's members. The Red Cross had to be called in on a mission of mercy to pull her out of the rubble.

I don't mind spending money. Buying sex amuses and entertains me. I've had lots of laughs.

Take a gander at Mrs. Chong's Debut in UG Diversions and you'll get what picture I see.

Best, etc.

Judge Crater
Mona Lisa, FDE, Charlie's Angels, AMerican Beuties, all real. NY Cover is hit or miss, Farichield, Sloan & Tower is Bait and Switch but the switch ain't bad lookin.