Is that your bataan or are you just happy to see me?

Three Officers On Restrictive Duty After Prostitution Bust
Vice Officers Accused Of Sexual Contact With Prostitutes

July 7, 2005

DALLAS -- Three Dallas police officers are on restrictive duty after being accused of having sexual contact with suspected prostitutes.

Cops On Restriction After Bust
The officers were undercover at the time, posing as customers at the Acapulco Spa who were getting massages and soliciting sex from the spa's employees.

Investigators said that surveillance video taken from the lounge may show the officers involved in inappropriate sexual contact with the women they were there to bust.

"In the course of doing that [soliciting sex] they were able to make prostitution arrests because the activities proceeded beyond a massage," said Lt. Jan Easterling, Dallas police.

Easterling added that in sting operations such as this, it was common for officers to be in a state of undress.

"I don't want to give the appearance that there was sexual intercourse that is not there on the tape," Easterling said.

However, investigators saw enough for an internal review to determine if the officers acted inappropriately.

"In reviewing those recordings, commanders on our department felt it was best to refer what they viewed on those tapes to our internal affairs division to determine whether it was appropriate and whether there may be some other policy violations," Easterling said.

The identities of the officers are not being released because they work undercover.
Jack_Maehoffer said:
The identities of the officers are not being released because they work undercover.
...and because they have wives who might want to divorce them if they found out they were messing around with prostitutes. The old double standard.
Gee Sarge!!!!

Jack_Maehoffer said:
Vice Officers Accused Of Sexual Contact With Prostitutes
were there to bust.

However, investigators saw enough for an internal review to determine if the officers acted inappropriately.

I didn't think banging Mai Lin in her ass and comming on her face was inappropriate!!!!!????? Hell you do that with your K-9 in the cruiser behind the Dunkin Doughnuts on Elm St.!!!!!!