I hate women

How to beat your wife

Can someone reccomend the most effective method for wife beating?

With a dead fish?
A pillowcase stuffed with oranges?
A bar of soap in a wool sock?

Ideas please...
The physical abuse stuff is much too easy and can leave incriminating marks. I suggest verbal abuse and mind games*.

*CAUTION: Women often can and will out do you in the mind game strategy.
Women..... You have to know how to train them.

If all else fails... just go and get a Brazilian. They're not at all like what we have here. One of the many reasons why I love Brazilians is because they've never even heard of PMS.
Originally posted by Ozzy
Women..... You have to know how to train them.

If all else fails... just go and get a Brazilian. They're not at all like what we have here. One of the many reasons why I love Brazilians is because they've never even heard of PMS.
come on Ozzy...I'm brazilian don't tell people shit.

We have PMS like any other woman, we just know how to hide it from men.
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somebody read my Newrochelle thread, and since it seems I dont know the difference between hookers and club girls, someone recommended next trip up to New rochelle I bring along alot of GHB. I thought it fits here.
don't remember the chemical name, but it's commonly known as the "date rape drug". From what I understan, it's like taking too much or bad ecstasy. You can become disoriented, and pass out.

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB),also known as liquid x, Georgia home boy, Goop, gamma-oh, and grievous bodily harm, is a central nervous system depressant abused for its ability to produce euphoric and hallucinatory states and its alleged ability to release a growth hormone and stimulate muscle growth. Although GHB was originally considered a safe and "natural" food supplement and was sold in health food stores, the medical community soon became aware that it caused overdoses and other health problems.

GHB can produce drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, unconsciousness, seizures, severe respiratory depression, and coma. GHB can be found in liquid form or as a white powdered material. It is taken orally and is frequently combined with alcohol. Abusers include high school and college students and rave party attendees who use GHB for its intoxicating effects. Some body builders also abuse GHB for its alleged anabolic effects. Several cases have documented the use of GHB to incapacitate women for the commission of sexual assault.

In 1990, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an advisory declaring GHB unsafe and illicit except under FDA-approved, physician-supervised protocols. In March 2000, GHB was placed in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.