Holding one's feet to the fire



.... please guys, Im on the edge of my seat for the next installment, Im beggin' ya- dont leave me hangin' :)
HP( just kidding guys)
Why does ANYONE sound surpised that wsb is the voice of reason, yet again ?

Problem is too much of the "in your face", "don't let anybody 'dis' you", street type mentality that we're all too into nowadays. Christ, point out a mistake to an underling in your office and he/she is reporting you to your supervisor.

Too many people can't take responsibility for their own actions. They can't take constructive criticism. So why be surprised if they can't engage in a lively and spirited debate about issues (granted, rather PERSONAL issues, but issues nonetheless) without taking things so personal and getting emotionally involved and carried away.
Please don't give rnb a hard time... He lived for three months in a paper bag in a septic tank. He used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day, week in-week out. When he got home, his Dad would thrash him to sleep with his belt!


Subject to blackouts
you call THAT havin' it tough ?!?

We'd lie awake at night, DREAMIN' of bein' beaten with a belt.....

Our dad use to use a board with a nail in it, to beat us...

We had it tough...........
Originally posted by Bill Furniture

Oh yeah? In my day, we hadda walk ten miles, uphill, both ways, in the snow to line up for a beating.

I'm convinced you're actually threatening me, and I'm highly offended.

Pardon me, while I go to my backyard and cry. :)
Ee's not pining for the FJOOORDS...

This parrot has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker..this is an EX parrot...

Ryan: not really..... I used to get up every morning half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of dried poison and when we were done, my dad would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah. You tell the kids today that, they won't believe you......
and now, for something completely different...

You know what's REALLY funny - sort of? The day after my last post, I received a spam email from someone trying to sell me a septic tank. Now, I get a shitload of spam each week on all sorts of stuff... university degrees, credit cards, get rich quick, get out of debt, casinos, hardcore, hi this is cindy remember me from high school.... etc. But, I never got spam about septic tanks before. And rightly so - how many people are in the market for a septic tank ?! So I can only conclude that either it was a pure coincidence, or they have some emailer bot trolling the internet looking for the string "septic tank" and somehow it got in here too. Weird!

From guyer67r65@yahoo.com Sun, 02 Sep 2001 15:31:22 -0700
From: guyer67r65@yahoo.com
Subject: We are the septic tank experts
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001 14:56:26 -0400

If you have a septic system you need to receive this
invaluable FREE information on how to eliminate pump outs, maintain the
system properly and stop problems such as backups, wet spots, odor, etc.

Please visit our site at:

h ttp://

Plus you will get the chance to participate in a free
trial to test the effectiveness of SPC.

Please check out our site.

Thank you.



To be removed from our mailinng type "NoSepticHere" in the subject and reply to :


If you have a septic system you need to receive this
invaluable FREE information on how to eliminate pump outs, maintain the
system properly and stop problems such as backups, wet spots, odor, etc.

To be removed from our mailinng type "NoSepticHere" in the subject and reply to :


Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
What was the title on the email: "GOT SHIT ??" ( and I hate to see the promotional photo of the people with "mustaches" that goes along with the promo )

[Edited by slinkybender on 09-04-2001 at 11:51 PM]
Freak Death

Really, this couldn't have come at a better time for you. Wasn't a LI guy just walking in his backyard when suddenly the ground opened up and swallowed him whole, dropped 20 feet, into the faulty septic tank and buried him there? I'd subscribe to this "shit" if I were you.