Hi I'm new :)

Hi Ann, welcome to a virtual meeting place with real (and virtual) people.
What's your interest in UG? Which side of the donation are you on?
I'm just curious.
Hi Ann, welcome to a virtual meeting place with real (and virtual) people.
What's your interest in UG? Which side of the donation are you on?
I'm just curious.
Thanks, Banacek, I read her homepage.
Ann, you are what I am looking for. You sound sweet, smart and fantastic. Looking forward to your trip to NYC.
me too, can you email me?
Major UG faux pas there, cisher. (How you even were able to type that word and have it appear is surprising. I thought there was a filter for it.) Read the rules about posting here on UG.
P.S. Now that you got your post count up to 10, are you going to start a thread?