Here come da Judge

Not true that I do not think highly of some of the other people on this board that I have engaged in dialogues with.

Editing down was never done out of disrespect for anyone, but was done purely for aesthetic reasons and to ensure that I never took myself too seriously. Hence, the heavy reliance on lines from children's stories.

Since I had espoused unpopular viewpoints and opinions (and will always do so, it being my habit), it also seemed appropriate for that reason as well.

I read your post b4 you deleted it and wasnt upset by it.

I am starting to really see men though in yet another light... life is always teaching
I've enjoyed JC's posts since we first traded barbs on JAG, though I have often disagreed with him. I appreciate cerebral, intellectually honest people who are simply unwilling to dumb-down or censor their statements to conform with the masses. Even his one-word posts were better than most of the fluff you read on these boards. I suspect this isn't the first time he has been misunderstood.
