Happy Birthday to a MOT Provider!

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Happy birthday to a great person, friend and provider- Happy Birthday Shauna- get me some of that famous Brisket!!

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Making Hamentachen!

Making them tonight with my kids, unfortunately Shauna hates them and Dawn does not have a clue what they are!! GC you better instruct her how they are made- she was down south way to long!!

[Edited by Carl M on 03-08-2001 at 03:40 PM]
Re: Making Hamentachen!

Originally posted by Carl M
... unfortunately Shauna hates them and Dawn does not have a clue what they are!!
Carl, my brother, from what you told me, Shauna is not ashkenazic, so what would she know from hamentachen?

but, you bring up a good point. there are a number of subtexts to Purim -- it's not just about Beauty Queen Esther being the heroine who saved the people from Hamen's evil plot.

among other subtexts, the word "Esther" is a variant on Ishtar, Ashtoreth, and, yes, Easter. in other words, it is not necessarily merely coincidental that Purim falls at the time of the early spring harvest in mediterranean climes, just as it is not mere coincidence that the recently celebrated St. Valentine's day fell on what had been the Feast of Lupercalia.

what does all of this have to do with Shauna? it's simple. if you look at the pictures that Dawn took of Shauna on her site http://www.wyldorchid.com you will see someone who is undoubtedly the reincarnated Assyrian Goddess of Love -- just like the ones that Esau married, much to his mother Rivkah's consternation {chuckling}.

Dawn, by contrast, is a bubbalah spelled bubba -- a one-woman Mardi Gras, served up like steaming hot jambalya with savory chilli gumbo. as such, perhaps not strictly kosher, but nonetheless lip-smackingly, mouth-wateringly goooood.
happy birthday shauna girl!!!

been out all day just wanted to pop in witha big hug tried to call but you were busy..
hugzz angel as always....
have some new work ready for the members only section/

and guy.. i am a bubba? is that a big male or a good thing? wink hugz from your mardi gras......bead baby... taking the weekend off looking forward to the semi rest.. see you guys in the bar at hunter mountain lol

Carl M

Hanging by a thread
Re: Re: Making Hamentachen!

Originally posted by guy catelli
Originally posted by Carl M
... unfortunately Shauna hates them and Dawn does not have a clue what they are!!
Carl, my brother, from what you told me, Shauna is not ashkenazic, so what would she know from hamentachen?

GC- you definitely are hilarious my comrade in arms! Somehow I knew your MOT philosophy would shine on this one!
Re: how about.....

Originally posted by MrNY
how about a self-post and a gratuitous llink ? .....
Miss Orchid has attempted to register here at UG, so far without success.

perhaps one of our many gallant IT-saavy knights in digital armor would come to the rescue of our demoiselle in distress.

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
"Miss Orchid has attempted to register here at UG, so far without success. "

We all know how difficult it is to register here.

BTW What's the phone number for 411 ?

I was visiting a potential client today (an attorney, don'tcha know) when his secretary comes around with the aforementioned goodies, which I had never heard of (being non MOT).

As I'm sitting there in his office, he proceeds to tell me the Purim story and says "I was raised in an Orhodox household....and then I married a non Jewish woman"

I said (having met this guy 15 minutes before) "that must have gone over big with the parents"

He laughed.

Happy Purim.