Gold Digger/Suggar Daddy Bars

I guess this list from CitySearch is supposed to be a joke?

I just want to know which of you mongers is writing for CitySearch?!?

I've been to the Bar and Books place, and it's hardly a pick up joint. And, as for the Monkey Bar, I miss the old, dumpy Monkey Bar before they spruced the place up a few years ago. The old place dripped nostagia of the days when Tennessee Williams used to stay at the hotel upstairs and spend most of the night (and day) drinking there.
Go into any bar and scope out the hot chicks with designer handbags and clothes they can ill afford to own, drop an AMEX Black on the bar in front of them and the gold diggers will come.
Go into any bar and scope out the hot chicks with designer handbags and clothes they can ill afford to own, drop an AMEX Black on the bar in front of them and the gold diggers will come.
And show up late, near closing time, when they're lit-up like a Christmas tree from drinking. Then, almost any bar becomes a GD/SD bar.