Going to London

I'm heading to London in 2 weeks followed by a brief stint in Istanbul again. Hopefully I'll be able to sample the other clubs in Istanbul while I'm there and will report back my findings. Seeing as this is my first trip to Jolly Ol' England, any recommendations on hobbying there? Do's, don't, try this, stay away from that?

Thanks in advance for the info.
stay away from the strip clubs--most are rip-off joints. low entry fee, but they scam you with the drinks where they charge you an outrageous amount like $50 for a drink. they dancers themselves offer very little, usually just a strip and that's it.

Look up Anna Minx, she has some good reviews and she also tours NYC frequently.
fumpton said:
stay away from the strip clubs--most are rip-off joints. low entry fee, but they scam you with the drinks where they charge you an outrageous amount like $50 for a drink.

Geee...sounds like every strip club I've ever been in...ANYWHERE!!
I was in London a few years back:

Avoid the clubs near the center of london (leicester sq, picadilly etc.). You will dump alot of money there with little to show for it. The exception to this may be the spearmint rhino (never tried but the local people I was working with said it was cool)

The strip clubs in london are pretty lame, low mileage, establishments.

I don't know if these places are still there (last visit 2003) so take this with a grain of salt..

These two place were literally within a block of each other in the area near the Old Street Tube Station.

1- Browns: This place is mainstream in that locals would hang out here. Not too many tourists. It was pretty crowded but manangable. The dancers were pretty hot. The deal was that before each girl went on the main stage she would walk through the crowd collecting tips in a jug. 1 pound ($2) was almost required for each dancer. She would then dance a few songs. When they were not dancing or collecting tips you could get an air dance from them in the back area. Had one or two...nothing to write about.

2- Spread Eagle: This joint was very seedy, but the mileage was a bit better with more contact. Reminded me of the slimewood, uhhh i mean candlewood in queens. I spent alot of time with this brazillian chick and almost got take out with her.

The internet has plenty of ads for escort services which I've heard were pretty good but expensive. (no experience here)

Whatever adult services you choose in London, one things for sure, it will be expensive.

//pardon my spelling/grammer
Not much happening in London

Unfortunately for you, London is maybe the worst place in Europe. The strip clubs are ridiculously expensive and you get nothing for it. There are a lot of parties, though, where they bring in girls and it's a 4-1 ratio. If you don't mind public sex, it's good fun. You'll find the listings in punterlink.net.

Have fun.
London has a lot of spas. Like 5BAll and LaLover both said, check out punternet. These spas offer the full menu, and some will actually have a real steam room.

Anna Minx is a good indy, frequent visitor to NYC, last here in January. Also check out Carrie of London. a little older, 30-35, blonde, also a frequent visitor to NYC.

Atlantic Companions has some good ladies too.