Fundraising Party

Good Idea -- (back on message)

Promoted discreetly ( good luck though on that one --- seems nothing stays private here )

I think having SB screen is a plus.

If it's all under the heading of -- let's have a party and everyone is chipping in...all is cool. Just set a minimum. $50 a head? No mentions of extras. Leave that to the consenting parties. A menu though would be a white board for easy removal. Perhaps different colored cups to select from ...bit of an on the spot code.

Just noodlin' workin'
Look. The issue isn't "hiding" this from LE. The danger isn't a bust of the party. The danger is a conspiracy case brought against the board and some of its participants after the fact. All the stupid cloak-and-dagger shit you can come up with can't shield you from that. Cuz you won't be able to disguise the fact that the party happened.
How about a private ***** list off the board.

Slinky, you could simply sell a list to the organizer for marketing purposes. Any donations that were made after would be at the organizer’s option.
Can't blame a guy for trying.

My preference was for Dudly Do Right.

Wandering Bull said:
All the stupid cloak-and-dagger shit you can come up with can't shield you from that.

Ah... sorry -- confusing the paranoia there.

Have to stop watching Rocky and Bullwinkle reruns.
To quote the source:

Rocky: Well, they don't call him Wrongway Peachfuzz for nothing!
Bullwinkle: You mean they gotta pay?

-- hmmm.

Still a good idea MIki-- just need to work out ( or work in ) the kinks.

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
This post really has nothing to do with this thread, but for a few reasons I'm posting it here, among them being:

1) To honor a good friend who has passed on, and
2) Because a number of long time UG posters have posted in this thread.

Anyway, maybe it's just that now that we have a good set of moderators, I don't spend nearly as much time on UG than I used to, and often don't even get here daily anymore, but it seems like there has been an influx of good new members posting, as well a a number of guys who have always been great posters who had taken a sabbatical from UG have returned.

Perhaps, I'm seeing this through rose colored glasses, but it seems from where I sit that UG is experiencing somewhat of a resurgance as of late, and I wanted to thank:
a) the new guys who are making good contributions,
b) the guys who have ceom back after being away for a while, and
c) most of all the guys and gals who have been here the whole time making this a place worth visiting.
Thank you, Slink, for using this thread as a vehicle for your thoughts.

And, no, I don't think that your glasses are too heavily tinted rose.

Some places are always worth visiting.
No rose colored glasses slink. This board has been a great place from the first day I visited. Thank you BillyS. Greatinformation, accurate reviews & a good sounding board, and a source of some good duels, aside from my own, where I sustain minimal bumps and bruises as well despite my thick headed & sometimes foot in mouth statements. You deliver a qulaity product and captain a good ship!
I'm not clear on who the moderators are on different threads. Is there a listing? No matter, you've picked a good crew as well!
My personal thanks!
As always heartfelt condolences Hyabby