"female" question

A provider friend of mine recently heard of "something" that women can insert into themselves, to permit intercourse (the non-messy kind, obviously) during their period. She's not sure what it's called, and she asked me to help her find out. I'm not sure such a thing even exists, but if it does, what better place to ask, than here...

Any help that can be provided will be greatly appreciated...

They are called "Instead". you can purchase them at any drug store, about $7.00 for a box of 12. They are similar to a diaphragm but do not work as well. If she has never used a diaphragm she might have a tough time using them initially. Tell her to give them a shot, they are inexpensive enough to play around. In the long run my advice would be to go to her gynecologist and get fitted for a diaphragm. Hope this helps.....
Sea Sponge,

We have been using sea sponges since the day the rains came. They are natural , no smell no fitting needed, absorb everything and leave no signs of the P-r- - d. Hey maybe we should market these things for all women and call them (absorbing the ocean Julies way)
female condom

read the package on it it is great protects from all cominicable deseases pregnancy. fits me not you so there is room to grow and move.... also takes the non spontanious behavior of oh lets put on that condom out... kepps everything clean and fresh.. no scent escaping..
try that called the reality female condom look up on web very intersting as well as provides better protection for both parties as it is non latex..... non natural fiber.. it is a polyurethene product..
My 3 cents..
sea sponge works well as long as it does not get lost or wedged then a horrible infection can occur.. so if you use that be very careful aabout massive .. er.. wellll
head butting

Re: female condom

Originally posted by LIDAWN
read the package on it it is great protects from all cominicable deseases pregnancy. fits me not you so there is room to grow and move.... also takes the non spontanious behavior of oh lets put on that condom out... kepps everything clean and fresh.. no scent escaping..
try that called the reality female condom look up on web very intersting as well as provides better protection for both parties as it is non latex..... non natural fiber.. it is a polyurethene product..
My 3 cents..
sea sponge works well as long as it does not get lost or wedged then a horrible infection can occur.. so if you use that be very careful aabout massive .. er.. wellll
head butting

I guess we all have our own home remedies and what works for one may not work for another ,now we have a selection, I would always recommend taking the sponge out after each session. Anything left in the vagina ,tampax included could result in a nasty infection. I have had some trying times with getting things out of the ladies though , like sponges, codoms ,they do get stuck now and then with all the pumping going on. Hot Puppy where are you ,we need some medical advice here:)


Never a big fan of condoms( a necessary evil), I have come(sic) to appreciate the various devices that have been introduced for women. The sponge is my favorite, it is not the best thing you can employ to prevent STD (its more of a contrceptive device), and you have to watch out for the ones that are not natural sea sponge, these have a nasty little tab on them that can cause, ah, discomfort. The female condom seems a good solution, but it has no charm, esthetically that is. As for medical advice, Julie, I will repeat what most of our Mom's told us: never put anything in your ear that is smaller than your elbow. Julie, remind me to tell you the "carrot story" when we meet.
take care HP
Originally posted by Hotpuppy
Never a big fan of condoms( a necessary evil), I have come(sic) to appreciate the various devices that have been introduced for women. The sponge is my favorite, it is not the best thing you can employ to prevent STD (its more of a contrceptive device), and you have to watch out for the ones that are not natural sea sponge, these have a nasty little tab on them that can cause, ah, discomfort. The female condom seems a good solution, but it has no charm, esthetically that is. As for medical advice, Julie, I will repeat what most of our Mom's told us: never put anything in your ear that is smaller than your elbow. Julie, remind me to tell you the "carrot story" when we meet.
take care HP
Thank You Hot Puppy for your advice and I will keep this in mind. When are you coming to Julies ? I want to know the carrot story now. Now you got me wanting to hear it. I can only imagine and I am.


A woman that knows what she wants and asks for it is one of the sexiest things I can think of. If you insist I will email you the story- but its much better in person, with the visuals! Im trying to arrange a NYC visit for late October.
take care HP


Member<br><color=red> First in war, first in peace
Personally I prefer to stop it before it flows. Good old birth control pills do that. Girls can actually control the days it happens as long as they are diligent.

All this talk reminds me of something my ex used to say...never trust something that bleeds for 5 days and lives. hmmmmmm isn't life ironic the way it turns out sometimes. (tounge in cheek)