The Bayshore Guzzzzzzler
Total Whore…..
Suck my Kiss…..
You know whom those phrases belong to … It’s not hard to figure out. They’ve been using them for a long time (years in some cases).
But the best one I read today was
“I Save Dick by giving it CPR”
I had to laugh. I may just visit her because she has to have somewhat of a personality. And I may just want to call her out on the CPR maneuver….. And then pound her out.
There’s gotta be some other classics that I’m overlooking.
Brickhouse Blonde … my ATF DDD Vanessa
Total Whore…..
Suck my Kiss…..
You know whom those phrases belong to … It’s not hard to figure out. They’ve been using them for a long time (years in some cases).
But the best one I read today was
“I Save Dick by giving it CPR”
I had to laugh. I may just visit her because she has to have somewhat of a personality. And I may just want to call her out on the CPR maneuver….. And then pound her out.
There’s gotta be some other classics that I’m overlooking.
Brickhouse Blonde … my ATF DDD Vanessa