Can I buy UG?

I just received an email that I am one of 7 lucky recipients of a million-and-a-half dollar windfall under the UN Humanitarian project. The way I see it there is no more a humanitarian project than keeping all my fellow hobbyists informed about the ladies they love to see.
So, I figure the best way to put the money to good use is to purchase UG. As soon as Slinky gets back to me with a fair price, I will be buying UG.
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Power Bottom
Slinky if you are listening .. The fair value of UG would be the present value of future cash flows from ad revenue. The discounting rate should be about 6 points over treasuries or about 7.5%.

To that amout add a big premium if you stay on since your legendary status has value. And finally add a teency weency premium if Banacek stays on..
That windfall is coming, right? After all, the email they sent was a copy of a Western Union telegram. Telegrams are reliable in this electronic day and age, aren't they?